Photo: Courtesy of CBS
On Monday, Enrique Iglesias guest stars again on How I Met Your Mother as Robin’s new boyfriend, from Argentina.
I’ve seen a clip of Monday’s show and it’s funny stuff. Barney and Ted decide to take a cue from the sexy Argentinean and pose as out-of-towners, in order to meet women.
Also, for those of you who can’t wait until Tuesday for the season two DVDs, click here to watch a sample of the gag reel.
How I Met Your Mother airs on CBS Mondays at 8 p.m.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
How I Met Your Mother news
Posted by tube talk girl at Sunday, September 30, 2007 4 comments
Labels: How I Met Your Mother, News
Tonight’s TV
We’re in the home stretch, my TV-loving peeps.
Did Edie actually hang herself on Desperate Housewives? Will Justin make it back from the war on Brothers & Sisters? We’ll find out tonight.
Here’s the schedule:
9 p.m. Desperate Housewives on ABC
10 p.m. Brothers & Sisters on ABC
Posted by tube talk girl at Sunday, September 30, 2007 6 comments
Labels: Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tonight’s TV
Photo: Tom Welling of Smallville
Thursday nights, I’ve missed you!
Did Jim and Pam make it to their date on The Office? Will Chloe wake up on Smallville? Is Earl making license plates in the hoosegow on My Name is Earl? Will George be back at Seattle Grace on Grey’s Anatomy, and did Cristina re-grow her eyebrows? Are Betty and Henry truly done on Ugly Betty? The waiting is over, Tubers. We’ll find out tonight.
In addition, ABC is debuting its new show Big Shots, just after Grey’s Anatomy. It has received some harsh reviews from accredited TV critics, but I don’t agree with them. I liked it. Plus, Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas is now on board and former Buffy alum Charisma Carpenter has signed on, too.
Here’s the schedule of my picks for tonight. If you don’t have a DVR or a satellite dish that offers West Coast feeds, then you have my utmost sympathy.
8 p.m. My Name is Earl on NBC, Smallville on the CW, Ugly Betty on ABC
9 p.m. Grey’s Anatomy on ABC, The Office on NBC
10 p.m. Big Shots on ABC
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, September 27, 2007 3 comments
Labels: Big Shots, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Grey's Anatomy, Rob Thomas, Smallville, The Office, Ugly Betty
Commentary with a Co-Ed: Heroes return
by Ashley Gouveia
Heroes, one of my favorite TV shows, is finally back for season two. Woo-hoo! It’s been a long time since we saw Peter and Nathan take to the sky and save the world. Four months to be exact. They certainly didn’t waste any time and jumped right into new plotlines, new characters, and a new story.
In typical Heroes fashion, Mohinder’s voiceover started the premiere. I never get tired of hearing him. It sets the tone for the episode and the entire series. Mohinder lectured about a deadly virus that is killing people with abilities. Uh-oh. Looks like we may lose some heroes because of this plague.
Is it wrong to not care for a new character, or should I say characters, already? Maya and Alejandro were probably my least favorite part of the jam-packed episode. I know it’s hard to introduce new characters, especially into a cast that is already large. Maybe I’ll warm up to them eventually. Let’s just hope they’re not another Paulo and Nikki from Lost.
A new character I actually liked was Claire’s new eye candy, West. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a guy who can fly. He’s only missing the red cape. But I’ll get over it. I don’t think it’s a mere coincidence that he just happens to have the same power as her father. In this show, everything means something.
What was the deal with Nathan’s reflection? That was pretty creepy. Almost as creepy as the person watching little Molly in her dreams. I wonder if this is the same person who killed Papa Nakamura. Are they from the mysterious company? Hiro’s dad knew who the hooded figure was before he fell to his death. Mr. Sulu, no!
Without fail, Hiro delivered my laugh-out-loud moments of the night. His dumbfounded expressions when he realized his childhood hero, Kensei, wasn’t anything like he imagined was hysterical. He’s actually a drunk, greedy Englishman who has no aspirations to be a hero. Great Scott! Hiro has his work cut out for him.
As does the newly head-shaven Peter ‘My Hero’ Petrelli. He has no clue who he is and what he’s capable of. It looks like Peter is going to need the saving this time around.
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for next Monday. What are your theories on who the hooded murderer is? Do you think Angela Petrelli is his new target? ‘Till next week!
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Thursday.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, September 27, 2007 8 comments
Labels: Commentary With a Co-Ed, Heroes
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Supermodel says so long to Dancing With the Stars
Never underestimate the judges’ influence on voters.
Supermodel Josie Maran was the first to go from Dancing With the Stars, after the judges were exceptionally harsh on her foxtrot Monday night. She was the only dancer to receive across-the-board negative reviews.
In my opinion, the criticism wasn’t deserved. She wasn’t as skilled as Sabrina or Jennie, but she certainly danced better than Wayne Newton and Marie Osmond. The fact that the judges called her an awkward mover must have spoken to voters. I’m sure Newton and Osmond’s popularity didn’t hurt either.
Her partner’s attitude may not have helped the situation either. Alec Mazo came across as rude to his partner, during the practice segments that aired. It could have been the editing that made it appear that way, but the fact is that no one wants to vote for a sourpuss. Mazo won the competition in season one with partner Kelly Monaco, but since then, had not done the show.
When asked if she’d like to say anything to the judges, Maran looked tense and restrained. She looked at the judges, as Len and Bruno jokingly covered their faces with their hands, and thanked them for their “honesty.” Bravo to Maran for taking the high road, especially when she wasn’t given a fair shake.
On exiting, Mazo told those who voted for them to give their future votes to Cameron Mathison and Edyta. Mazo is married to Edyta, who has competed every season of the show, but still hasn’t scored the Dancing With the Stars mirror-ball trophy.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2 comments
Labels: Dancing With the Stars
Tonight’s TV
Photo: Private Practice on ABC
It’s still the first full week of the fall season, and I don’t want you to miss the new shows you’ve been hearing about for months. Here’s a quick rundown of what looks good tonight:
8 p.m. Dancing With the Stars on ABC – Dolly Parton performs. Yay!
9 p.m. Bionic Woman on NBC, Private Practice on ABC, Gossip Girl on CW
10 p.m. Dirty Sexy Money on ABC
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, September 26, 2007 5 comments
Dancing With The Stars competition is fierce
by Jennifer Squires Biller
The toughest challenge of this season’s Dancing With the Stars may be finding a favorite couple to root for.
Going in, I was siding toward Jennie Garth (loved her on 90210), Jane Seymour (loved her on Dr. Quinn) and Cameron Mathison (he’s pretty.) But after this week’s performances, I also fell in love with Sabrina Bryan (amazing dancer), Helio Castroneves (so sweet and nice) and Albert Reed (oh my Lord, the hip action.)
My favorite three performances were Sabrina and Mark, Helio and Julianne, and Albert and Anna. Yes, I know. Shocking. I didn’t know who any of them were before this show began, but it doesn’t matter. It’s about the dancing, people.
Sabrina’s cha-cha-cha shocked the judges and the audience. Judge Carrie Ann said no one in the history of the show had done a cha-cha-cha like that. Bruno agreed that it was incredible. Len marked her down for the adding in the hip-hop moves, but the couple still scored two nines and an eight in their first performance. Incredible.
Helio and Julianne did a delightful foxtrot that bewitched the audience. Usually, the foxtrot is my least favorite of the ballroom dances, but Julianne’s stunning choreography to the song Bewitched made me love it. I think she may be usurping Cheryl Burke’s title of best choreographer.
It was Albert and Anna’s cha-cha-cha that raised the temperatures in the ballroom. Channeling Elvis, chest exposed and hips gyrating, Albert made the crowd go wild as he and Anna danced to the King’s A Little Less Conversation.
This year’s contenders all seem somewhat skilled. In other words, I didn’t see a Master P or a Kenny Mayne.
Wayne Newton and Marie Osmond don’t have the skills the others do, but they’re still fun to watch. Newton should be the first to go, if voters are truly judging on skills. But, we all know that doesn’t always happen.
Pretty Boy Floyd has some fierce hip-hop moves that he expertly demonstrated, but his posture was horrible. He seemed hunched over during the whole performance, yet none of the judges took him to task for it.
In contrast, supermodel Josie Maran got nothing but harsh comments from the judges. Frankly, I thought she did a better job than Marie Osmond and Wayne Newton.
The competition is fierce this year. For the most part, they're all good. Garth and Seymour have both had dance training. Floyd and Bryan have natural dance abilities. And the rest of the field has charisma that often translates in to votes.
See who goes home tonight, when the results show airs at 8 p.m. on ABC with special musical guest Dolly Parton. As always, don’t try to watch it live or you may lose your patience and throw out your TV. This show loves its recaps as much as its live performances.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, September 26, 2007 14 comments
Labels: Dancing With the Stars, Tube Talk Girl
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tonight’s TV
Just a quick reminder for all you TV addicts out there that some of your favorite shows are returning tonight.
Bones returns at 8 p.m. on FOX, followed by House at 9 p.m. After Dancing With the Stars, Boston Legal returns at 9:30 p.m. on ABC. Yay! Denny Crane.
Jimmy Smits fans may want to check out his new show Cane tonight at 10 p.m. on CBS.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, September 25, 2007 2 comments
Reviews: Reaper, Dirty Sexy Money, and K-Ville
Premiere date: September 25, 2007
Airs: Tuesdays @ 9 p.m. ET on the CW
Dirty Sexy Money
Premiere date: September 26, 2007
Airs: Wednesdays @ 10 p.m. ET on ABC

After watching the first two episodes of this new soapy drama, it gives me a new appreciation for my humble, middle-class existence. The story follows the uber-wealthy Darling family of New York City and their posh lifestyle. Among the family members are an actress, a socialite, a boozing slacker, an attorney general and a minister. In the premiere episode, their family attorney is killed in a plane crash, leaving his son to take his place and start cleaning up the messes the spoiled Darlings can’t seem to avoid. There are plenty of dirty dealings, and Nick is conflicted about his new job and his history with the family. Secrets, lies, and one transvestite hooker later, you’ll understand why Dirty Sexy Money is getting plenty of positive buzz. The show has potential. The cast is excellent, with Donald Sutherland as the patriarch and Jill Clayburgh as the matriarch. Peter Krause and William Baldwin help round out the cast. Fans of The O.C. will recognize “Anna,” actress Samaire Armstrong. Yes, she plays the actress. Dirty Sexy Money is a little bit Dallas, Dynasty, and Falcon Crest combined and could put the nighttime soap back on the map.
Premiere date: September 17, 2007
Airs: Mondays @ 9 p.m. ET on FOX

If you like cop dramas, then K-Ville may be to your liking. The show is set in modern-day New Orleans and follows the plight of the police department, still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The show is actually shot in New Orleans, so you’ll see plenty of shots of the city and the remaining devastation. Anthony Anderson leads the cast and is excellent as the veteran cop. His partner, played by Cole Hauser, is a former soldier and criminal. The two have good chemistry. The show gets its name “K-Ville” from a graffiti sign “Welcome to K-Ville” that was painted after Hurricane Katrina. The show is intense at times, and does an admirable job of showing folks trying to rebuild their city. This one is heavy on the drama, but has the actors and stories to actually have substance.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, September 25, 2007 4 comments
Labels: 2007 Reviews, Dirty Sexy Money, K-Ville, Reaper
Monday, September 24, 2007
First look: House’s new season
I’ve seen the first two episodes of House for the new season. I know, you hate me. Sorry.
If you recall, Dr. House had lost his team of underlings at the conclusion of last year. So, he’s flying solo, trying to diagnose cases. He does enlist the help of the janitor, in a hilarious plot twist. (I think House could convince Satan to sell ice cubes.)
By episode two, we find out where House’s former team has landed. I won’t spoil you, but I will tell you this. Cameron has a hot new hairdo. The girl is looking good.
One of the funniest stories in the premiere involves House, Wilson, and a guitar. And yes, we do get to see Hugh Laurie play his instrument.
House returns Tuesday at 9 p.m. on FOX.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, September 24, 2007 6 comments
Labels: House, Hugh Laurie
Big week for TV
Are you ready for some TV? Tubers, it’s the week we’ve waited for all year. Old favorites are returning and, perhaps, new favorites will emerge, as the new fall TV season gets underway this week.
Tonight, don’t forget Dancing With the Stars returns at 8 p.m. on ABC. Barney and the gang of How I Met Your Mother also return at 8 p.m. on CBS. If that’s not enough to get you excited, NBC is launching the new season of Heroes, at 9 p.m., and the new time travel show, Journeyman, at 10 p.m.
I’m most excited about Smallville, Ugly Betty, Grey’s Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, and Las Vegas, all premiering this week.
For a complete list of when your favorite shows are coming back, click here for the schedule. Then, set your VCRs and DVRs for a busy workout.
If you haven’t ordered a DVR yet, you may want to get cracking. If not, you’re going to have to make some tough choices, most distressingly being Monday nights, trying to choose between Chuck, Dancing With the Stars and How I Met Your Mother. As usual, Thursdays are going to be downright stressful, too, having to pick between Ugly Betty, My Name is Earl, and Smallville.
So, arm yourselves with your remote, a bowl of buttery popcorn, and a sense of humor. It’s going to be a fun season.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, September 24, 2007 3 comments
Labels: Brothers and Sisters, Chuck, Dancing With the Stars, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Las Vegas, My Name is Earl, Smallville, Ugly Betty
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Reviews: Big Shots, Bionic Woman, Journeyman
Big Shots
Premiere date: September 27, 2007
Airs: Thursdays @ 10 p.m. ET on ABC

Bionic Woman
Premiere date: September 26, 2007
Airs: Wednesdays @ 9 p.m. ET on NBC

Premiere date: September 24, 2007
Airs: Mondays @ 10 p.m. on NBC

A show about time travel isn’t easy to pull off. But, NBC seems to have done it with this romantic mystery drama. Dan Vasser, a San Francisco newspaper reporter, suddenly and inexplicably starts traveling back in time to change people’s lives. He keeps ending up in the 1980s, and lucky for us the ‘80s music is in abundance throughout the show. Journeyman has a different feel than previous time-travel shows. Don’t expect the humor of Quantum Leap or Voyagers. This is a serious drama, heavy on the romance, as Dan is pulled between his present life, with his current wife, and his past life with his former fiancé. (She was killed in a tragic accident.) The story is complicated at times, but if viewers make it through the whole hour, there is a payoff. The overall concept is intriguing. Who wouldn’t want to go back in time at least once? (Frankly, I wouldn’t mind speed warping back to the ‘80s myself. I’d tell ‘80s me to stay away from helmet hair and leggings.) If you like mystery with a healthy dose of romance and drama, than Journeyman may be the show for you.
Posted by tube talk girl at Sunday, September 23, 2007 10 comments
Labels: 2007 Reviews, Big Shots, Dylan McDermott, Journeyman, Michael Vartan
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Homer Simpson’s football picks
In honor of FOX’s new fall season kicking off this Sunday, September 23, Homer Simpson and his pals got together to talk football. Homer, Hank Hill, from King of the Hill, Peter Griffin, from Family Guy, and Stan Smith, from American Dad, are making their hilarious picks for this football season.
Homer, a man after my own heart, somehow manages to work in Bobby Ewing, Sue Ellen Ewing, and Peter Cetera in his explanation for who would win in a Dallas Cowboys/Chicago Bears match up.
Check out these hilarious explanations.
Buffalo Bills vs. New England Patriots:
Peter Griffin (FAMILY GUY): Well, first of all, New England is just freakin’ sweet. They may not lose a game the entire year. Plus, the Pats got spy cameras watchin’ you. Just like the government. “The Patriot Act” – that was all Belichick’s idea. My pick: New England.
Arizona Cardinals vs. Baltimore Ravens:
Homer Simpson (THE SIMPSONS): Because it’s the Cardinals versus the Ravens, I’m passing this one off to our family’s bird-nerd, Lisa Simpson.
Lisa Simpson: It’s called an ornithologist.
Homer Simpson: Thanks for nothing. Take the Ravens.
Indianapolis Colts vs. Houston Texans:
Stan Smith (AMERICAN DAD): You know, my first gun was a Colt 45. Man, I shot TONS of people with that thing! My pick: Indianapolis Colts.
Dallas Cowboys vs. Chicago Bears:
Hank Hill (KING OF THE HILL): Who's going to win the Cowboys/Bears game? Frankly I'm a little insulted you'd even ask me that question. The Cowboys are America's team. So I am going to go with America. My pick: Dallas Cowboys.
Homer Simpson: Let’s see... If the show “Dallas” fought the band Chicago, who would win? Well, Bobby Ewing’s got a cannon for an arm, but you’re never going to get a passing game going with Peter Cetera coming on the blitz. It all comes down to special teams. I see Sue Ellen kicking a last-second field goal to give Dallas the win. But this game is up against THE SIMPSONS season premiere, starring Lionel Richie and Stephen Colbert, so watch that instead.
New York Giants vs. Washington Redskins:
Homer Simpson: I pick the Giants because their backup quarterback, Jared Lorenzen, like myself is a man of great weight. You’re sending an important message to today’s kids – obesity is not a problem in America.
Denver Broncos vs. Jacksonville Jaguars:
Stan Smith: Ah, Denver, the Mile High City. Wait, does that mean it's actually a mile high? So if Franny and I, you know (whistling), in Denver ... would that, like ... would that put us into the Mile High Club? My pick: Denver Broncos.
San Francisco 49ers vs. Pittsburgh Steelers:
Peter Griffin: The hometown fans are going to be pretty intense for Pittsburgh. They got nothing else to live for. The only chance for San Fran is if they can get Barry Bonds to play quarterback. Good luck finding a helmet to fit over that huge melon he calls a head. My pick: Pittsburgh Steelers.
Detroit Lions vs. Philadelphia Eagles:
Homer Simpson: You’re a winner for not living in either of these cities. Unless you do, in which case I pick the city that is home to the Liberty Bell – Detroit. They stole it when Philadelphia wasn’t looking.
Cincinnati Bengals vs. Seattle Seahawks:
Stan Smith: You gotta go with the team you know the best. I got to know the Bengals pretty well by arresting nine of them … Those guys are characters! My pick: Cincinnati Bengals.
Cleveland Browns vs. Oakland Raiders:
Hank Hill: Cleveland at Oakland? Well, neither of them are the Cowboys – and, well, Oakland is in California, so I'm going to have to go with Browns. My pick: Cleveland Browns.
San Diego Chargers vs. Green Bay Packers:
Homer Simpson: Brett Favre, I respect you enormously, but sir, it’s time to retire. Just open a steakhouse called Brett’s Place and put your old football junk in it. In the first year, go by once or twice a week, then never go again. My pick? Brett’s Place. For the best onion rings in the entire Wisconsin thumb.
Carolina Panthers vs. Atlanta Falcons:
Hank Hill: I still think of the Panthers as a new team. And I generally don't like things that are new. And since the Panthers knocked the Cowboys out of the playoffs twice, I'll take the Falcons out of spite. My pick: Atlanta Falcons.
Miami Dolphins vs. New York Jets:
Homer Simpson: Both of these cities are awesome places to visit. Why do they even need football? However, I do like how the dolphin on the Miami helmet wears a helmet. That’s smart. Safety first. Miami by six.
St. Louis Rams vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers:
Peter Griffin: Well, the Rams got Mark Bulger and he’s tough to stop. Hehehe, bulge. My pick: St. Louis Rams.
Minnesota Vikings vs. Kansas City Chiefs:
Homer Simpson: I think Kansas City will be cooking up a tasty victory against the ... oh, “Chiefs.” I thought it said “Chefs.” Anyway, take Kansas City. Because the Vikings with their wide stance and tapping toes will never get out of the Minneapolis Airport men’s room.
The Simpsons 19th season premiere begins Sunday at 8 p.m., followed by a football-themed episode of King of the Hill at 8:30 p.m. Then, a special Star Wars episode of Family Guy is scheduled for 9 p.m. follwed by the season premiere of American Dad at 9:30 p.m.
Posted by tube talk girl at Saturday, September 22, 2007 7 comments
Labels: The Simpsons
Friday, September 21, 2007
Reviews: Private Practice, Moonlight, and Chuck
Private Practice
Premiere date: Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Airs: Wednesday s @ 9 p.m. ET on ABCConfession: I’ve loved Addison Montgomery since she marched her stiletto-clad legs up to Meredith Grey and informed her she was sleeping with her husband. Apparently, I’m not the only one who was rooting for Team Addison; ABC gave the woman her own spinoff. The good news is that Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes is behind this new show. The bad news is that the pilot is mediocre, at best. Sure, expectations are high, and they should be, with Rhimes on board and the superstar cast. The majority of the actors - Tim Daly, Taye Diggs, Amy Brenneman - have headlined their own shows. But for some reason, I didn’t get that warm, fuzzy feeling that glues me to the TV screen when a show is working on all levels, and I’m not sure why. Kate Walsh and Daly have enough chemistry to power their own hospital, and Diggs is fun, flawed and charming. But Addison seems to have been dumbed-down in this new role, acting like a silly schoolgirl, at times, instead of the take-charge surgeon we’ve come to know. Most of the characters are interesting, with the exception of Brenneman’s. Her storyline had me reaching for the fast forward button. I’ve learned never to write off a show because the first episode doesn’t wow you. (Hello, Friday Night Lights!) And I’m not writing off Private Practice, as some critics have done already. I think it has potential. The problem Grey’s fans may have is the gaping hole Addison is leaving at Seattle Grace. On Thursday, ABC aired an “Addison” special that recapped her time on Grey’s. I’m sure the idea was to get fans to follow her to the new show. The problem is that the recap made me realize how much I’m going to miss her interaction with Miranda, Derek, and the gang. My apologies to Meredith fans, but the Addison/Derek/Mark triangle was one of the best ever on primetime. Period. Addison had mega chemistry with both McDreamy and McSteamy. If you’re questioning whether to invest in Private Practice, after all the mixed reviews you’ve read, I say give it a try. It may find its groove yet. If not, I hope Addison will come home to Seattle Grace and bring Daly’s Dr. Pete Wilder with her.
Premiere date: Friday, September 28, 2007
Airs: Fridays @ 9 p.m. ET on CBS
Premiere date: Monday, September 24, 2007
Airs: Mondays @ 8 p.m. ET on NBC

Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, September 21, 2007 7 comments
Labels: 2007 Reviews, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Chuck, Jason Dohring, Kate Walsh, Moonlight, Private Practice, Shonda Rhimes, Taye Diggs, The O.C., Tim Daly, Veronica Mars
First look: Bones season premiere
I’ve seen the season premiere episode of Bones, and I’m so excited about the show’s return that I wanted to share. (Warning: a couple light spoilers are included below.)
Here’s why you shouldn’t miss Bones when it returns on Tuesday.
Humor. Check.
Sexual tension. Check
Disgusting “bones” case involving cannibals. Check.
Yes, I said cannibals. Chew on that piece of juicy info. The gang is back together again to catch a sick killer.
Here’s some scoop on the season premiere. Hodgins is rocking a shocking new hairstyle, and so is another character, which I won’t divulge or FOX may never send me another screener again. Angela is trying to track down her husband, so she can get a divorce. It turns out her husband is black, extremely tall and, of course, smoking hot. Hodgins humorously refers to him as a "Titan, half God, half man."(Casting, may I suggest Henry Simmons for the role? He’s off-the-charts tall and beyond beautiful. Loved him on NYPD Blue.)
On the Booth/Brennan front, Brennan is acting awkward around her co-worker. Rumor has it the two may be headed to couples therapy, and we all know how much Booth loves therapy.
Bones returns this Tuesday, September 25, at 8 p.m. on FOX.
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, September 21, 2007 3 comments
Labels: Bones
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Watch the season premiere of Friday Night Lights early
If you’re like me, you’ve missed the Friday Night Lights gang this summer. For those of you who can’t wait until Oct. 5 for the new season premiere, Yahoo TV is offering the season premiere right now.
I’ve seen the first few minutes, and I couldn’t be more pleased. My beloved Landry is front and center.
There is no sophomore slump here, folks. Friday Night Lights looks like it may be even better this season than last. Yeah, I didn’t think that was possible either.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, September 20, 2007 3 comments
Labels: Friday Night Lights, News
Big Brother 8: Dick is the winner
Commentary with a Co-Ed
by Ashley Gouveia
If you asked me two days ago who I thought would win Big Brother 8, without a doubt, I would have said Daniele. Surprise, surprise! Dick, the patriarch of the Donato duo, took home the $500,000 prize. Silly me, I actually thought the best competitor was going to win. That’ll teach me for thinking logically when it comes to reality TV.
Is it wrong to have been more excited about the America’s Player reveal than finding out who won? I was dying to see the look on every houseguest’s face when Eric was exposed as this season’s twist. I loved watching everyone’s mind race as they anxiously waited for Julie Chen to spill the beans. I could only imagine what they were thinking the big twist was this year. I laughed out loud when the cat was out of the bag.
It was strange, that through the entire episode, I was actually finding myself agreeing with Jen. I know, weird. Dick treated her horribly and she wasn’t going to give her vote to him. I don’t blame her; I wouldn’t either. No way! If you’re basing your vote on game play, Daniele is definitely a better player. She was honest, in her unique Jen way, for the reasons on voting for Daniele. I have to give her a little bit of credit for that.
Nick and Daniele were reunited for the first time since his eviction. I’ll describe the moment using the BB8 catchphrase: “Awkward!” I wonder if those two are going to put their showmance to the test in the real world. I know that Eric and Jessica will probably try to make it work. But after the America’s Player revelation who knows how Jessica really feels about it.
So with some of our favorite Big Brother houseguests in attendance, (Janelle, Kaysar and Howie), Dick was named the winner of Big Brother 8. That’s the end of another season of backstabbing, betrayal, crying and cursing. What did you all think? Were you happy with the winner and the season as a whole? Let me know your thoughts.
It’s practically the end of the summer season. You all know what that means! Fall is finally here and our TV favorites are returning along with some new potential tube obsessions. I can’t wait to comment on my likes/dislikes of fall season. ‘Til next week.
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Thursday.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, September 20, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Commentary With a Co-Ed
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
New show premieres tonight: Back to You and Gossip Girl
Two new shows debut tonight that you may want to watch. I’ve seen the pilot episodes for both shows and here’s my take.

Premiere date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Airs: Wednesdays @ 8 p.m. ET on FOX
Kelsey Grammer and Patricia Heaton return to television in this funny sitcom about a news anchorman who left Pittsburgh for a bigger market. Unfortunately, Chuck Darling (Grammer) had an on-air meltdown at the new station, immortalized forever on the Internet, and was fired. So, he returns to Pittsburgh to his old job and his old co-anchor Kelly Carr (Heaton.) The two have history, romantic and otherwise. Let’s just say, they’ve got issues. Fans of the traditional sitcom style, this show is for you. Shot in three-camera style, with laugh tracks, it has the feel of the ‘90s sitcoms we loved. It also has a stellar cast, including Fred Willard as a sports anchor. Josh Gad is hilarious as the young, overweight, overstressed news director, and you’ll get some laughs from the sexy weather girl, Montana, and the on-the-spot field reporter, Gary, who wanted Darling’s desk job. A gag involving Gary testing a new police taser is a gas. Those tuning in expecting to find Frasier, you’ll need to adjust your tastes. Darling isn’t a prissy metrosexual. He’s a ladies man with an edge. Although, Darling delivers the quick-witted one-liners, as easily as Frasier Crane did. I’ve seen the first two episodes, and I enjoyed them both. It’s not Frasier, but it has promise.

Premiere date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Airs: Wednesdays @ 9 p.m. ET on CW
Fans of the teen soap genre, this one is for you. From O.C. creator Josh Schwartz, Gossip Girl examines the lives of a group of kids on the upper east side of Manhattan. Money, booze, drugs, sex, fashion, jealousy and backstabbing all play a part in these teens lives. At times, the show felt a little like Cruel Intentions. Gossip Girl is dark. Don’t expect the humor and brilliant one-liners we loved on The O.C. The best part of the show for me was hearing Veronica Mars’ Kristen Bell doing the narration as Gossip Girl, a blogger who documents all the breakups and shakeups of this uber-cool crowd. It’s been a while since I was a teenager, and if this show is reflective of what teens are doing these days, well, I’m shocked. Despite an interesting premise and genius Schwartz on board, Gossip Girl seemed to be missing something: a smoldering-leading-man type and the geeky, yet sexy and humorous, sidekick type. In other words, Ryan Atwood and Seth Cohen are nowhere to be found. Teens will probably love this show, but I’m not sure it will grab adults. I’m giving it a few more episodes before I decide if Gossip Girl will stay on my DVR schedule.
Check back for Tube Talk Girl’s take on Private Practice, Bionic Woman, Chuck and Reaper.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6 comments
Labels: 2007 Reviews, Back to You, Frasier, Gossip Girl, Kelsey Grammer
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Watch NBC premiere week and (maybe) win a car
NBC isn’t above bribery to get you to watch its show premieres next week. The network is partnering with Nissan to give away five Collector's Edition Nissan Rogues (Nissan's latest SUV model) signed by Heroes creator Tim Kring.
Every night next week, during the 9 p.m. ET block, the network will run a promo spot that asks a trivia question about the show airing (Heroes on Monday, The Biggest Loser on Tuesday, Bionic Woman on Wednesday, The Office on Thursday, and Las Vegas on Friday). Viewers can then visit to answer the question and enter for a chance to win the car.
Kudos to NBC for a brilliant marketing ploy. I think you know where my TV will be tuned next week. What? I'd look good in an SUV.
Good luck, Tubers! If any of you regular readers actually win, please let us know.
To see a complete list of dates and times for fall premieres, click here.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1 comments
New Heroes trailer
Get a first look at the new Heroes trailer here. It’s no secret I wasn’t exactly thrilled with Heroes during the second half of the season. But, wow, does this new trailer look like it could hook me again. Plus, with Kristen Bell joining the cast, I can’t stay away. Take a peek by hitting play below.
For more Heroes scoop, check out this MySpace site.
Thanks to Paul for the tip and the video.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1 comments
Labels: Heroes, Kristen Bell, News, Videos
Barry Manilow refuses to do The View
Singer Barry Manilow has refused to keep his scheduled appearance on The View today because he didn’t want to share a stage with Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I will no longer be on The View tomorrow as scheduled. I had made a request that I be interviewed by Joy, Barbara or Whoopi, but not Elisabeth Hasselback. Unfortunately, the show was not willing to accommodate this simple request so I bowed out.It’s really too bad because I've always been a big supporter of the show, but I cannot compromise my beliefs. The good news is that I will be on a whole slew of other shows promoting the new album.
Good for The View for refusing Manilow’s absurd request. The last time I checked, in a democracy people are allowed to have differing opinions. How petty that Manilow feels he can’t discuss his new album with someone whose views he opposes. By the way, if he’s going to diss Elisabeth, he should at least learn how to spell her name correctly.
Hasslebeck is a conservative on a show that features primarily liberal actors, musicians and hosts. Although she passionately argues her politics with co-stars, she doesn’t with guests, as they are usually there to promote a project. Shame on Manilow for acting like such a prima donna. I suddenly have the urge to torch my Manilow music collection, because even though he writes the songs, he won’t perform them on The View.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, September 18, 2007 2 comments
Labels: News, The View, Tube Talk Girl
The best and worst of Emmys 2007
Tony Soprano didn’t take home the gold. Neither did Denny Crane.
But those weren’t the most shocking moments of Emmy night. Nope, that honor goes to Sally Field, Ray Romano and Katherine Heigl for their potty mouths. And you thought the Emmys was just another boring award show.
Host Ryan Seacrest did a decent job, but quite frankly, he didn’t do much “hosting.” Thankfully, he left the stand-up comedy bits to the likes of Ray Romano and Ellen DeGeneres. Wise move, Ryan.
Here’s a rundown of the best and worst moments of the night.
Oh no, he didn’t!: During his opening monologue, Ryan Seacrest struck up a conversation with Eva Longoria about her dress and shoes, when he noticed her costar and his former dating companion Teri Hatcher. “Hello, Teri,” Seacrest purred seductively, as the audience erupted in laughter. Hatcher smiled awkwardly, as he added a quick, “You look great!” Nice save, Seacrest.
Worst skit: Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and a leaf blower. It pains me to list two of the funniest guys on the planet under worst skit, but their bit about the “green Emmys” and a leaf blower, well, blew. It was so strained, that it appeared even they knew it wasn’t working. Colbert did have one funny line. He said his leaf blower ran on alternative fuel: “Al Gore’s tears; he’s a crybaby.”
Best ad-libbed moment: Jon Stewart redeemed himself when he and Colbert announced Ricky Gervais as the winner for best actor in a comedy. Gervais was a no-show to the event, so Stewart decided to give the award to someone else. “Ricky Gervais couldn’t be here tonight, so instead we’re going to give this to our friend Steve Carell.” The audience howled as Carell ran onstage, jumping in glee.
Strangest moment: Ryan Seacrest took the stage wearing a Henry VIII costume from the show The Tudors to do a gay joke. “This looked a lot less gay on the rack. Can I keep it?” Somewhere, Simon Cowell was rolling his eyes.
The musical montage: Ryan Seacrest didn’t sing. Lucky for us, he knows his limits. Instead, the Family Guy’s Brian and Stewey took the stage and delivered some funny musical lines including this gem: “ABC has got a lineup that is refreshing and alive, with its hits like Desperate Housewives just continuing to thrive. And those women look sensational for being 65!” Then, they went on to pick on The Sopranos infamous series ending, as they sang: “The Sopranos is a show I’d recommend, because you never know just how it’s gonna”…(the screen faded to black and silence, as the audience roared with laughter.) The singing duo also joked about the Grey’s Anatomy controversy. They sang that NBC was looking at bringing back Seinfeld, but with Isaiah Washington as Kramer. The camera then cut to T.R. Knight, smiling awkwardly. Ouch.
Who knew John Locke was funny? Claiming the prize for best supporting actor in a a drama series, Lost actor Terry O’Quinn delivered a funny speech about his working conditions: “Sometimes, when we’re rolling around in the jungle in the mud, and we’re hitting each other and stabbing each other and shooting each other and they’re pouring on the blood, I wonder what it would be like to bake up a sheet of cookies on Wisteria Lane. And get one of their checks.”
Best looking couple: Grey’s Anatomy star Katherine Heigl and Friday Night Lights star Kyle Chandler took the stage to present an award, but the two looked like they belonged on top of a wedding cake, instead. She was stunning in a long white gown, and he was equally stunning in an elegant black suit. Sadly, these two won’t ever get to share a scene on Grey’s; they blew him to bits in last year’s season finale.
Inside joke or coincidence?: I couldn’t help but laugh when Christina Aguilera sang Stepping out With my Baby with Tony Bennett. The pop star is rumored to be pregnant.
No one delivers a joke like Doogie: Neil Patrick Harris is a gem on How I Met Your Mother as ladies man Barney, where he delivers some of the best comedy on the tube. (Yes, I’m ticked he didn’t win for supporting actor.) In one of the funniest jokes of the night, Harris took aim at fellow presenter Hayden Panettiere when he delivered this line: “Hayden just turned 18. You know what that means ….new voter.”
You can’t say that!: The censors got a workout during the ceremony, but didn’t do the censoring very smoothly. Those watching at home weren’t sure what happened when the sound was cut and the screen showed a weird shot of the set, during Ray Romano’s comedy bit. He apparently used another word for “sleeping with” when taking a jab at his former costar Patricia Heaton’s new TV job. Later, the censors tried, awkwardly, to quickly cut away from Katherine Heigl as she uttered the word “S---“ on hearing her name called for best supporting actress in a drama. And finally, the censors silenced they flying nun. Yep, the censors cut the end of Sally Field’s acceptance speech for lead actress in a drama. She was almost finished with her “if mothers ruled the world” anti-war speech when she got a little too passionate and used the word “God” in front of “damned.”
Seacrest’s best joke: Taking a jab at notorious ladies man Jeremy Piven, of Entourage, Seacrest spotted gorgeous Heroes star Hayden Panettiere in the audience. “Congratulations on turning 18, Hayden. My gift: seating you as far away from Jeremy Piven as possible.”

Tell it like it is: Comedian Lewis Black did a stand-up bit during the show that at first seemed out of place. That was, until he began ranting against the TV networks for their ubuiquitous pop-up adverstisements, during programs, telling us what’s on next and for replacing the credits at the end of the shows with previews of what’s coming on next. As you know, I share his passion on the subject. He then took the news stations to task for the continuous crawl at the bottom of the screen: “The only thing you give us is attention deficit disorder!” Preach it, brother.
Elaine Stritch is hilarious: Whenever Elaine Stritch takes the Emmy stage, you know something intersting is about to happen. She usually keeps the audience in stitches and this year was no exception. She bumbled the reading of the teleprompter during her presenting gig before explaining to the audience that the mistake wasn’t planned: “I’m not faking this. I really don’t know what the Hell I’m doing.”
Best speech: James Spader delivered the goods. Looking completely stunned that TV mob boss James Gandolfini didn’t win, Spader began his speech with that acknowledgement. “I feel like I just stole a pile of money from the mob,” he quipped. Still shocked, he continued, “Where the Hell is Elaine Stritch when you need her?” Spader then went on to scold the Emmy folks for seating his bosses and half the audience behind the stage, where they could see only the backs of those on stage: “I’ve been to thousands of concerts in my life, and these are the worst seats I’ve ever had.” The audience erupted in laughter. Hey, I’d be pissed, too, if I had to watch the backs of people heads for the entire night. Spader then acknowledged the other nominees and issued a quick thank you.
Funniest presenters: Brad Garrett and Joely Fisher were hysterical during their presenting bit. “Do you like my dress,” Fisher asked, about her sexy gown with a plunging neckline. The 6-foot-plus Garrett glanced down and joked, “You should see it from up here. Note to self: Buy milk.” Garrett went on to complement Fisher’s appearance: “I think you just made Charlie Sheen’s to do list: that’s how amazing you look.” Cut to Charlie Sheen in the audience, shaking his head and laughing.
Hollywood loves Al Gore: At first I was confused as to why Al Gore was getting a standing ovation for co-founding Current TV, an interactive TV network. I’d never even heard of Current TV. (I know I’m not alone here, so Google it.) Then, I realized the audience wasn’t applauding his TV venture, just Al. They love this guy and his efforts to save the environement.
Dead people can’t hear, but we can: One of my pet peeves at these awards shows involves the somber memoriam tributes. As clips of the dearly departed are shown, from time to time, the audience erupts in applause. I propose that they either hold their applause to the end, or clap for all of the deceased. It’s offensive that some dead folks seem worthy of applause, but not all. Dead people can’t hear, but we can, and their families can, too.
Fashion notes: Strapless is in, ladies, in a big way. A slew of ladies wore strapless gowns to the event. As for best and worst dressed, no one pulled a Bjork this year, so I won’t pick on anyone particular. I loved Kate Walsh and Ali Larter’s red gowns. Vanessa Williams ruled the roost in a gorgeous green-feathered number. Felicity Huffman went glam with a hot pink plunging neckline, and Sandra Oh looked the best I’ve ever seen her at an awards show. Oh, when did Ugly Betty get so thin? America Ferrara looked beautiful in blue but very skinny compared to last year. I didn’t love Jaime Pressly’s gown. It seemed a little too “old” for her. In other words, her character Joy wouldn’t be caught dead in it. McDreamy, aka Patrick Dempsey, looked gorgeous, but why didn’t he do any of the red-carpet pre-show interviews?
Preshow fun: E! still does the best pre-show, but their entertainment news crawl at the bottom of the screen drove me insane! I was trying to listen to the stars’ interviews, look at their gowns, shoes, jewels, watch the cut-in box to see who else was arriving, and read the crawl at the bottom of the screen. No one’s brain can take in that much information, unless they have ADD. The crawl did reveal some fun facts: Lost’s Evangeline Lilly changed oil on big rigs to earn money for college and worked as a waitress and flight attendant, and Grey’s Anatomy’s Katherine Heigl starred in the lowest-earning movie in history, the 2006 thriller Zyzzyx Road grossed $30 t the box office. Over on the TV Guide channel, Joey Fatone and Lisa Rinna seemed nervous and anxious and rushed the celebrities off instead of chatting with them about their shows. Rinna’s catchphrase of “Have fun tonight” started to grate my nerves after she said it a hundred times. Is it too late to get Joan and Melissa back?
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, September 18, 2007 4 comments
Labels: America Ferrara, Award Shows, Ellen DeGeneres, Grey's Anatomy, James Gandolfini, James Spader, Kate Walsh, Katherine Heigl, Kyle Chandler, Sally Field
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Emmy winners 2007
Here is a list of the night’s Emmy winners.
Read ‘em and weep, or dance with joy, depending on who you wanted to win.
Stay tuned for Tube Talk Girl’s take on the show: the winners, losers, funny moments, skits and fashion.
The Sopranos
30 Rock
James Spader, Boston Legal
Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters
Ricky Gervais, Extras
America Ferrera, Ugly Betty
Jeremy Piven, Entourage
Jaime Pressly, My Name Is Earl
Robert Duvall, Broken Trail
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Tony Bennett: An American Classic
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Tony Bennett, Tony Bennett: An American Classic
The Amazing Race
Posted by tube talk girl at Sunday, September 16, 2007 3 comments
Labels: Award Shows, Emmys, News
Primetime Emmys 2007: Tube Talk Girl’s picks
It’s Emmy night! Tonight, our favorite TV stars will paint on the spray tans, put on double-stick tape to hold their barely-there evening gowns in place, and strut their stuff down the red carpet. Good times, Tubers. Good times.
I’m almost more excited about the pre-show coverage this year than the actual event. In the past, most of the hosts interviewing the TV stars knew nothing about the shows and failed to ask good questions. This year, I think things may be different. E!’s Kristin Veitch is helping out Ryan Seacrest, and she’s as big a TV buff as I am. So, I’m sure she’ll ask what enquiring minds want to know. Also, the TV Guide channel has Lisa Rinna and Joey Fatone pulling red-carpet duty, and that should be a hoot.
As for the Emmy show, here are my picks for who I want to win, not for who should win or will win. You’ve already seen those predictions from every other TV blog and magazine. So, these are my selfish picks with an explanation of why I chose them, because really, it all comes back to me.
My picks are highlighted in bold.
“Grey’s Anatomy”
The Sopranos is favored to win by a landslide, and probably deserves it based on that brilliant finale. But I don’t care. I don’t get HBO and don’t watch the show regularly. My pick: Grey’s Anatomy. Yes, there were a few subpar episodes, but it’s still better than the too-scattered Heroes. House is too procedural for my taste, and while I adore Boston Legal, it’s a bit preachy and silly at times to win for best drama. Although, it might be fun to see William Shatner get up and thank “Denny Crane!”
I love Leary, but Laurie is my pick. Laurie always gives an interesting, funny speech, and let’s face it. I’m that shallow. It’s a long show. I also wouldn’t mind seeing Spader take the prize. He also gives good gab in acceptance speeches and once complimented the audience on their “wonderful choices in dresses and shoes.” No one does deadpan better. Gandolfini will probably win, as Emmy voters may give him a nice present to end his run as Tony Soprano.
My pick: The flying nun all the way. Field is hilarious, neurotic and a complete joy to watch as the matriarch of the nutty Walker clan. She leaves me giggling or in tears on a weekly basis. I’m sure the other ladies in this category are equally talented, as well, but I don’t watch any of those shows so that’s no fun for me if they win. Plus, Field is known for her award show speeches. Maybe she’ll coin another “You like me” phrase at the podium.
Michael Imperioli, “The Sopranos”
Terry O’Quinn, “Lost”
Katherine Heigl, “Grey’s Anatomy”
There is no other choice for me in this category but the talented Wilson. I’m going to be one McAngry blogger if she doesn’t win. She’s been the one constant on Grey’s since its debut.
Steve Carell is hysterical as Michael Scott. But the real reason he should take the gold: He has a proven track record at delivering entertaining award show acceptance speeches. His Golden Globe 2006 speech is legendary. He humorously claimed his wife wrote it. Let’s hope she fired up the computer this year.
Ugly Betty, this had better be your night. Ferrera shines on a weekly basis as sweetheart Betty, so even if the show doesn’t win for best comedy, I’m hoping Ferrera will score the prize. The girl deserves it not just for her acting skills, but for having to wear that hideous wardrobe. What? Like you’d be caught dead in a red, “Guadalajaro” poncho.
Jeremy Piven, “Entourage”
Doogie is the man. Harris makes me laugh out loud every week as "legendary" Barney on How I Met Your Mother. He’s the best part of the show. I also wouldn’t mind Wilson scoring a win for Dwight Schrute. The guy his has own bobblehead, shouldn’t he have an Emmy?
This is like choosing my favorite chocolate. Williams is downright delicious as evil Wilhelmina Slater on Ugly Betty. The show would have a huge void if she weren’t there plotting her evil plots. She’s a villain, but plays her with enough layers that we sometimes feel for her. I also wouldn’t mind to see Fischer win because we all know that Pam is the glue that holds The Office together. Pressly is also impressive as crazy Joy on Earl. No one does white trash better. It’s too hard to pick one choice here. If any of these three win, I’ll do a happy dance.
“American Idol”
You know I LOATHE reality TV, but I’m smitten with Dancing with the Stars. Any show that can get Billy Ray Cyrus and Ian Ziering on the dance floor without coming across as cheesy is a winner in my book. Plus, it inspired me to take ballroom classes, and now I can cha-cha like Jerry Springer.
No comment. Enough said.
Posted by tube talk girl at Sunday, September 16, 2007 4 comments
Labels: Award Shows, Boston Legal, Chandra Wilson, Desperate Housewives, Emmys, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, James Spader, Sally Field, The Office, Ugly Betty
Friday, September 14, 2007
Smallville couple mentioned in Time Magazine
Onscreen, they’re not a couple. But that hasn’t stopped Smallville fans from clamoring for a romance between Clark Kent and his pal Chloe Sullivan for the past six years. In a recent Time magazine article, Clark and Chloe were listed as one of the top-searched Internet terms for fan fiction.
Clark and Chloe were the sixth most-searched fan fiction term during the week of Aug. 25. (Harry Potter was number one.)
Why is this newsworthy? Apparently, if frustrated TV viewers don’t get what they want onscreen from show producers, they are turning to fan fiction to find it or write it on their own. Online, fan fiction writers have crafted their own stories for “Chlark” (the couple’s nickname) and the stories have plenty of romance, the romance they aren’t seeing onscreen.
The popularity of “Chlark” fan fiction is even more astounding, when one considers that Smallville isn’t featured on one of the big four networks, and that Clark and Chloe haven’t truly dated on the show since season one. Clark has spent the past six years pining/dating Lana Lang, much to the disappointment of Chlark fans.
I admit I checked out some of the fan written Chlark stories, and some are quite good. Some, not all. The one thing that is certain is that fan writers are making Clark and Chloe fans happy.
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, September 14, 2007 10 comments
Labels: News, Smallville
Tube News
The View’s rosy ratings
I never saw this coming. Whoopi Goldberg’s first week on The View scored huge ratings, tying Rosie O’Donnell’s debut to earn the highest ratings ever in the show’s history, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The addition of Sherri Shepherd brought even more viewers to the chatfest, an impressive 3.9 million on Monday, compared to 3.1 million last year.
Watch new fall shows early
You can watch several new fall shows for free, before they air. NBC is offering its new pilots, Bionic Woman, Chuck, Life and Journeyman, and CBS is offering The Big Bang Theory at Amazon Unbox, for free, before they air on TV. Once downloaded, viewers can watch the shows on their computers or TiVo box. Not to be left out, The CW is offering Gossip Girl at iTunes.
Former Buffy star does The Apprentice
Cordy vs. the business world? Yes, it’s true. Former Buffy and Angel star Charisma Carpenter has signed on for the celebrity version of The Apprentice, according to TV Guide. I’ve seen her slay a vampire. Her fellow job applicants had better watch their backs.
Former O.C. star guests on Chuck
Rachel Bilson, known to many as Summer Roberts from The OC, will guest star on the new NBC show Chuck for several episodes, according to show runner Josh Schwartz. I’d heard that Chuck was this season’s Seth Cohen, but I didn’t believe it until now.
Jon Stewart to host Oscars
Jon Stewart is set to return as the host of The Oscars this year. He’s been asked to pull hosting duties again when the show airs on Feb. 24, 2008. I love Stewart, but I guess this officially means that Billy Crystal is done.
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, September 14, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charisma Carpenter, News, The View
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sneak Peek: Grey’s Anatomy season premiere
I’m so McAnxious for the season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy that when I saw this sneak peek at the new season, I couldn’t resist. It feels a little like déjà vu as our favorite interns suddenly take on Dr. Bailey’s Nazi traits. If you’re weak, like me, then check out this clip.
Thanks to our pals at BuzzSugar for posting it. If you want to see more, head over to BuzzSugar for even more clips.
Grey’s Anatomy returns on Sept. 27 at 9 p.m. ET.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, September 13, 2007 4 comments
Labels: Grey's Anatomy, News, Videos
Late Show Top 10 list expands to Top 12 for NASCAR drivers
"Top Twelve Reasons I Love Racing"
12. Clint Bowyer: “We’ve got special mirrors that show objects the size that they actually are.
11. Kevin Harvick: “Sometimes back in the garages there’s horseplay with the airhose.”
10. Jeff Burton: “Between the G-forces and the fumes, I’m loopy most of the season.”
9. Kyle Busch: “Switch the ‘R’ and the ‘C’ in ‘Racing’ and you get ‘Caring.’”
8. Matt Kenseth: “Can hold 8 gigs of music on my new iHelmet.”
7. Martin Turex, Jr.: “In a pinch, checkered flags make a lovely tablecloth.”
6. Denny Hamlin: “Two more wins and I get to marry Ashley Judd.”
5. Kurt Busch: “You can talk to your car and pretend you’re David Hasselhoff.”
4. Carl Edwards: “How many people can say their “office” goes 200 miles per hour.”
3. Tony Stewart: “Driving fast and starting fights.”
2. Jeff Gordon: “It’s not one of those sports you have to inject stuff in your ass to be good.”
1. Jimmie Johnson: “Unlike most guys, I like it when my wife says, ‘You’re too fast.’”
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, September 13, 2007 0 comments
Commentary with a Co-Ed: Countdown to Smallville
by Ashley Gouveia
We are two weeks away from the season seven premiere of Smallville, and I’m literally counting the days.
The CW finally released a decent-sized trailer that gave us die-hard fans a glimpse of what’s to come. But before I give my thoughts on the happenings in season seven, let’s take a step back to the finale of season six. Here’s a refresher course on where we left off in the world of my Man of Steel.
Clark vs. BizarroClark: The last phantom from the Phantom Zone took some of Clark’s DNA. It has Clark’s physical appearance and Kryptonian abilities, but not his weakness. It actually gets stronger when in contact with kryptonite. Um, yeah, Clark’s got a tough one there. How’s he going to get rid of him? I, personally, don’t mind two Clark Kents super-speeding around. Tom Welling times two!
Tears of Chloe: Our favorite reporter’s meteor-induced ability was revealed when she cried over her cousin Lois’s dead body. Her tears healed Lois but seemed to leave poor Chloe on death’s doorstep.
Lana goes BOOM, again: Yep, Lana got seemingly blown up in the finale. She was just about to leave Smallville for good when her car exploded. Did anyone not catch that white truck that conveniently passed by her car before it exploded? Unfortunately, it may all have been a trick to frame Lex. That’s disappointing.
Lex’s arrest: In the last five minutes of the finale, Lex was arrested for Lana’s “murder.” Something tells me those charges aren’t going to stick. Besides, Lex can’t continue his super freak army if he’s in the big house. I love evil Lex! *cues AFI’s ‘Prelude 2/21’*
I can’t wait to see the smack down between Clark and Bizarro. The premiere always has incredible special effects. I’m anxious to see Laura Vandervoort’s portrayal of Kara, aka Supergirl. I just hope she’s not portrayed as the annoying little sister to Clark, much like Dawn was to Buffy in season five. Clark doesn’t need to be a babysitter. He needs to fly!
I’m curious to see what’s going to happen with Chloe and her new power. Maybe this will lead to some more Clark and Chloe bonding. After all, she now has to keep her secret hidden and Clark could help her with that. Plus, I want to see her get her 33.1 story and move out of the basement of the Daily Planet.
Smallville fans, we’ve waited, in what seems like forever, for a new episode. Now that it’s coming soon, what do you want to see the most in season seven? ‘Til next week.
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Thursday.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, September 13, 2007 9 comments
Labels: Commentary With a Co-Ed, Smallville