Photo: ABC, Lost
The Television Critics Association just released its list of nominees for this year’s TCA Awards. Once again, the majority of nominees come from the world of cable, i.e. HBO, so if you have limited channel access you’re apparently out of luck in watching some of the tube’s best shows.
More than 200 critics and journalists in the TCA chose the nominees.
The winners will be announced at a ceremony July 19 at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, Calif
“John Adams” (HBO)
“Lost” (ABC)
“Mad Men” (AMC)
“The War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick” (PBS)
“The Wire” (HBO)
“30 Rock” (NBC)
“The Colbert Report” (Comedy Central)
“The Daily Show” (Comedy Central)
“Flight of the Conchords” (HBO)
“The Office” (NBC)
“Damages” (FX)
“Friday Night Lights” (NBC)
“Lost” (ABC)
"Mad Men” (AMC)
“The Wire” (HBO)
“John Adams” (HBO)
“Masterpiece: Cranford” (PBS)
“Masterpiece: The Complete Jane Austen” (PBS)
“The War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick” (PBS)
“A Raisin in the Sun” (ABC)
"Breaking Bad” (AMC)
“Damages” (FX)
“Flight of the Conchords” (HBO)
“Mad Men” (AMC)“Pushing Daisies” (ABC)
Christina Applegate (“Samantha Who?”)
Alec Baldwin (“30 Rock”)
Stephen Colbert (“The Colbert Report”)
Tina Fey (“30 Rock”)
Ray Wise (“Reaper”)
Connie Britton (“Friday Night Lights”)
Glenn Close (“Damages”)
Paul Giamatti (“John Adams”)
Jon Hamm (“Mad Men”)
David Simon (“The Wire”)
“Curious George” (PBS)
“High School Musical 2” (Disney Channel)
“Hannah Montana” (Disney Channel)
“WordGirl” (PBS)
“Yo Gabba Gabba” (Nickelodeon)
“Alive Day Memories” (HBO)
“This American Life” (Showtime)
“Frontline” (PBS)
“Nimrod Nation” (Sundance Channel)
“The War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick” (PBS)
“M*A*S*H” (CBS)
“Roots” (ABC)
“Saturday Night Live” (NBC)
“Sesame Street” (PBS)
“The Wire” (HBO)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Television Critics Association name 2008 nominees
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 30, 2008 2 comments
Labels: Award Shows, News
Here's what the Web's top TV bloggers are discussing this week in the TV Blog Coalition, of which Tube Talk Girl is a proud member.
If thinking The Secret Life of the American Teenager could be cheesily addictive is wrong, Buzz doesn't want to be right. (BuzzSugar)
GMMR has been podcast crazy this past week. Two, count 'em, two podcasts! In addition to the usual GMMR/Ducky So You Think You Can Dance podcast (here), we devoted a separate TV Talk Podcast to what shows are taking over our TV this summer. (Give Me My Remote)
Marcia decided to spend the summer hiatus watching old episodes of Buffy and wondered if the show improves with repeat viewings. (Pop Vultures)
From Miami to Vancouver, this week Rae was on the set of Psych and she's only to happy to share what happened. (RTVW)
Viva la Vida or was Coldplay able to make an album this time around that doesn't sound like a Coldplay cover band? (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
School's out and Vance celebrates the end of an era now that Emma, daughter of Spike (from the original Degrassi) has now graduated from Degrassi High on Degrassi: The Next Generation. (Though The N will show those episodes this summer) (Tapeworthy)
Remember that episode about the helpless dude who delivered the baby in the elevator? Oh yeah, that was every series ever. By that token, Dan decided to coin the term "elevator baby" and cement his role in pop culture history. (TiFaux)
Tube Talk shared some scoop on the new season of Psych, after an interview with show stars James Roday and Dulé Hill, fondly remembered shows that were canceled too early, and asked for help in naming Tube Talk Girl’s future baby boy. (Tube Talk)
This week we finally spotted someone who has a Nerdier license plate than the TV Addicts and released what critics, and by critics I mean listeners are saying was our funniest to date! [The TV Addict]
Kate is disappointed enough with this season of My Boys that she drafted an open letter to the show's writers. (TV Filter)
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 30, 2008 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Commentary with a Co-Ed: TV shows prematurely canceled
by Ashley Gouveia
photo credit: Cast of Moonlight
What is more annoying to a TV viewer than getting so invested in a show only to see it ripped from the network without a fair chance or proper ending? I can’t come up with anything at the moment.
It seems like nowadays a television show is barely given a chance to build an audience before it gets the ax and joins the pile of short-lived programs. They all can’t be lucky (or unlucky, depending on your perspective) like ER and 7th Heaven to last on air for longer than a decade. Here are my personal favorites of TV shows that were shut down way before their time.
Tru Calling: The way this show ended is probably the worst scenario of how a show should get cancelled. It only lasted two and a half seasons with no ending or closure of any kind for the audience. We weren’t left with any type of answers to what was going on with Tru’s shady daddy and Jack the Reaper. I always thought there was more to Tru’s brother Harrison, like there was more to his story that had yet to be revealed. That’s right; I have resorted to making up storylines for closure. Don’t judge me. Tru Calling had so much more to resolve, but I feel like it was never given a chance.
Roswell: I absolutely loved this show! It survived the jump from The WB (oh, how I miss you!) to UPN, so we got an extra third season then was expected. At least Roswell ended the series in a way where we saw all the characters we adored for three years at their destinations. I can’t say that about a lot of other shows. But I felt like that kind of show could have lasted a lot longer than it did. Think about it, Katherine Heigl could have been Isabel Evans for a longer period of time. Somehow, I think I’m more broken up about it than she is.
Moonlight: The best new show of this past season and the most recent fatality of cancellation. I’m still hanging on to hope that some other network will realize what a great show this is and give it a chance. One season is just not enough of Mick St. John, private investigator and vampire. We never got to see Coraline again and there was never enough Joseph. A second season would allow some time to expand on these characters we loved. Poor Jason Dohring, this is the second show he was on that was cancelled way before its time. People are still seething over the decision to end Veronica Mars.
Those are my picks that fall under the “Too good so they cancelled it” category. What are some of your favorites that were prematurely put out to pasture? ‘Till next week.
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Friday
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, June 27, 2008 6 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Rescue Me minisodes: watch episode one here
My DVR has been lonely this summer. In fact, I think he feels abandoned. There is no other excuse for it absolutely refusing to tape the Rescue Me minisode that aired Tuesday night at 10 p.m., despite having the series programmed for a season pass.
If you missed the minisode, don’t despair. I’ve got you covered. You can watch it here or simply click play below.
In this clip, Lou has made his famous homemade donuts and the boys try to tempt Sean off his strict detox diet. Be warned: this is Rescue Me and for a mature audience only. And if you don’t like bathroom humor, you may want to steer clear.
Frankly, I’m just thrilled to have something scripted and entertaining back on my screen, even if it is a “minisode.”
New minisodes of FX are airing every Tuesday at 10 p.m. So, set your DVR or catch them the next day at
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, June 26, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Psych’s James Roday and Dulé Hill dish the new season
Earlier today I had the chance to chat with Psych stars James Roday and Dulé Hill about the upcoming season. The two were kind enough to do a conference call with journalists.
Before I spill all the good stuff, I have to say that I always enjoy talking with Roday and Hill. They are so much fun.
Those of you who don’t want to know anything about the upcoming season, STOP reading now.
For everyone else who wants some spoilers about what’s in store for season three of Psych, read on. Here’s a brief rundown of some of the things we learned from the interview. I’ll have the complete transcript up as soon as NBC sends it my way, and I can get it edited.
Meanwhile, this season on Psych:
--Meet more Gusters. I asked Hill if we would see his parents again this season, and he said we’ll be meeting Gus’ sibling. Yay!
--Roday and Hill want a Monk crossover. Soon. (Please, please, please, USA Network, make this happen.)
--Cybill Shepherd has signed on for at least three episodes to play Shawn’s mother.
--A plethora of fun guest stars are lined up, including Steven Weber, Rachael Leigh Cook, and Ted Lange, to name a few.
--The show is getting a little more serious in at least one story arc, but the comedy won’t suffer. --Don’t worry. I’ve seen the first episode and it’s good!
The new season starts July 18 at 10 p.m. ET on USA. Season two of Psych will be available on DVD on July 8.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, June 25, 2008 4 comments
Labels: Dule Hill, James Roday, News, Psych
On the set of "Psych"– NOT
This week I should have been blogging to you live from Vancouver from the set of Psych.
Instead, I’m here in my lazy chair, my feet up, awaiting the arrival of “Lil Tube Talker,” as my fellow TV blogging pal Rae has nicknamed my future baby boy.
I’m too near my due date to fly, so I had to turn down the generous invitation I recently received to do a set visit to one of my favorite shows.
Yes, I’m a little bitter, not to mention insanely jealous of my blogger pals who got to spend the last couple of days with James Roday, Dulé Hill, Corbin Bernsen, and the rest of the Psych gang.
But don’t worry. Rae is giving us all the scoop straight from the set. So head on over to RTVW and read her juicy account. (That’s a not-so-clever reference to the ongoing pineapple gig on Psych, in case you didn’t get it.) What can I say? I can’t deliver a joke as well as the Psych boys.
Although I didn’t get to visit the set this time, I did get a chance to talk to Roday and Hill today in a phone interview. I’ve got plenty of scoop on the upcoming season to share with you, and I promise to do it shortly. Trust me, Psych fans. It’s worth the wait.
I’ve already watched the season three premiere, and it kicks off with the same quality that you’ve come to know and love from Psych. And yes, folks, the ‘80s references and the pineapple are still getting plenty of screen time.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, June 25, 2008 2 comments
Labels: Dule Hill, James Roday, Psych, Tube Talk Girl
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Pushing Daisies scoop
Spoiler alert!
If you don’t want this yummy scoop on the upcoming season of Pushing Daisies, then stop reading.
OK, last warning.
As you may or may not know, my favorite female character on Pushing Daisies is Olive Snook. (My apologies to Charlotte aka “Chuck,” but the delightful Kristin Chenoweth is one of the main reasons I tuned into this quirky show at the onset.)
It seems that my beloved Olive is going to once again strike up a note or two and grace us with a song, according to E!Online’s resident scoop gal Kristin Dos Santos. Olive will have her “very own ‘Sound of Music’ moment, singing on a hillside” after joining a nunnery, Dos Santos reported.
Somebody pinch me! I can’t wait. My all-time favorite moment of Pushing Daisies to date is when Olive sings that heart-wrenching version of Hopelessly Devoted to You for Ned about her unrequited love. If that scene didn’t melt you, then the Grinch has a bigger heart.
I know that Ned and Chuck are the couple that we’re supposed to root for on Pushing Daisies, but I can’t help it. It’s Olive Snook all the way for me. She’s simply too adorable.
If you need video proof, please watch this delightful clip of the last time Olive sang to us.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 3 comments
Labels: Kristin Chenowith, News, Pushing Daisies, Videos
Help name Tube Talk Girl’s baby
Photo Credit:
In the famous words of Timbaland, “It’s too late to apologize.” However, I hope you’ll indulge me.
I’ve been keeping something from you, Tubers. It’s a secret so juicy it’s worthy of an anonymous tip to Gossip Girl.
Spotted: Tube Talk Girl wearing a hoodie and baggy pants. Is she hiding a baby bump or just too many trips to Cold Stone?
It’s true, gossip hounds. I’m pregnant.
See, I told you it was juicy.
Those of you who come here regularly may have noticed that back in January, all the way through April, things have been a little slower than normal here. Sure, I can blame it partly on the TV writers’ strike that interrupted our TV schedule, but I must be honest and confess that it was mostly due to the non-stop vomiting for seven months, several trips to the ER, and the physician-ordered bed rest during the first trimester.
I’ve finally managed to get the vomiting under control, thanks to my doctor and a miracle medicine called Zofran, which is used mostly for chemo patients. Yes, Zofran executives, I’m available for commercial endorsement, if you’d like. Your product has literally saved my life.
A few weeks ago, I was chatting with an online blogger pal, The TV Addict, about my situation. He asked if we had chosen a name for our impending bundle of boy joy. I told him that we still hadn’t decided, but that I liked several names that, coincidentally, happened to be the names of some of my favorite TV characters: Sawyer (Lost,) Christian (Nip/Tuck,) Alexander “Lex” (Smallville.)
I swear that it’s purely coincidental that those names are TV characters. Although, Mr. Tube Talk isn’t buying it.
The TV Addict passed on his name suggestion: TiVo. Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure he was joking. Then, he did a fun post asking readers if they’d ever named a child after a fictitious television character. His very creative photo and blog post got me thinking.
Why not use you, my TV-loving-peeps, to help us choose a name? It worked for NBC when they were trying to choose a name for Scrubs’ Carla and Turk’s little girl, so why can’t it work for me?
So, please, take a minute and share below in the comments any BOY names that you love. (And it’s 100 percent OK if they just happen to be TV-character names. I am Tube Talk Girl, you know.)
I can’t offer you an all-expense-paid trip to Aruba or anything, if we use a name you suggest. This is Tube Talk, after all, not NBC. But you would get bragging rights that you helped name Tube Talk Girl’s baby. I could also throw in a year’s supply of dirty diapers, if you’d like.
So, go ahead, Tubers. Suggest away.
And to my friend Mary Kay, I appreciate your suggestion, but we decided against naming the baby “little Barack Clinton Biller.” Sorry.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 21 comments
Labels: News, Tube Talk Girl
Celebrity Family Feud debuts tonight
Feuding celebrities is nothing new, but tonight NBC puts a different spin on things when it kicks off its summer game show Celebrity Family Feud.
The fun starts at 8 p.m. on NBC with host Al Roker.
Tonight, comedienne Joan Rivers and her family, including daughter Melissa, take on rapper Ice-T and his family. Let’s just hope the censors have the bleep button ready for Joan.
The lineup for the remaining shows this summer looks interesting, too. Most notably, I can’t wait to see the cast of The Office and My Name is Earl. NBC hasn’t released the date yet for those matches.
Other celebrity families I’m interested to see are Corbin Bernsen’s clan. Longtime TV fans will recognize Bernsen from his role on L.A. Law and now as Henry Spencer on Psych.
Other contestants this summer include Deion and Pilar Sanders; Vivica A. Fox; Mo'Nique; Christopher Knight and Adrianne Curry; Wayne Newton; Vincent Pastore; Margaret Cho; and cast members from American Gladiators, Dog the Bounty Hunter, The Girls Next Door and American Chopper.
With so little quality television on this summer, the survey says that this game show could be a hit for NBC.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6 comments
Labels: News
Monday, June 23, 2008
Link time: TV Blog Coalition
Here's what the Web's top TV bloggers are discussing this week in the TV Blog Coalition, of which Tube Talk Girl is a proud member.
It may be the Summer hiatus, but Buzz still has a few questions for Grey's Anatomy. (BuzzSugar)
If you know the significance of the 'bench dance', understand the genius of Mia Michaels, and secretly want to be on the Hot Tamale Train then you should check out GMMR & Ducky's So You Think You Can Dance podcast. (Give Me My Remote)
Marcia found herself thoroughly underwhelmed by The Middleman. (Pop Vultures)
On the set of Burn Notice, Rae discovers that Jeffrey Donovan's just as cool as his alter-ego Michael Westen. (RTVW)
Low production value, cheesy stories and 30 points for yet another "sassy" female lead, but The Middleman is actually entertaining. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
Vance video recaps The Tony Awards since apparently, no one watched it on TV. By the way, go see In The Heights, Passing Strange and Xanadu (for real!)! All fantastic! Take a look at the clips for proof! (Tapeworthy)
Dan didn't see the mid-season finale of Battlestar Galactica coming -- that's for dang sure. This week, he mulled the twist ending as well as the concept of merging our world with Battlestar's. (TiFaux)
Jennifer thinks the Oscars and Emmys should take a cue from the TV Land Awards. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter, Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie, and Doc from The Love Boat dressed in their trademark costumes flying through the air, or the paparazzi catching a panty-free crotch shot of Mama from Mama’s Family. Add in the cast of The Office, Wilhelmina Slater, Justin Timberlake and a Lionel Richie concert, and the TV Land Awards were just about perfect. (Tube Talk)
This week, the TV Addict posted his theory on the highly anticipated spin-off of THE OFFICE and visited the set of BURN NOTICE (the TV Addict)
Raoul talked to loudmouth Jen from Hell's Kitchen. (TV Filter)
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 23, 2008 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Commentary with a Co-Ed: The Daytime Emmys deliver few surprises
Photo: ABC, Emmy co-hosts Cameron Mathison and Sherri Shepherd
One Life to Live took home some golden ladies last night at the 35th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, winning for Best Writing and Directing. But it was General Hospital that won the mack daddy of Outstanding Drama Series. Woohoo! I have to confess that I was worried One Life to Live was going to snatch that award for having the big death of Asa Buchanan storyline. It was deserving of an Emmy.
Sherri Shepherd of The View and Cameron Mathison from All My Children served as the hosts last night. I actually liked their little sketch in the beginning. Sherri was funny, and it was nice to see some familiar faces from Pine Valley. But if there were any more plugs for Barbara Walters’ book I was going to scream. Enough already! I’m thankful that there weren’t any awkward backstage interviews this year. That was painful to watch last time. as Lisa Rinna asked questions that the award recipients had no idea how to answer.
Gina Tognoni from Guiding Light picked up an award for Best Supporting Actress. My pick was Judi Evans from Days of our Lives, but I wasn’t shocked that Gina won. From what I understand, she is extremely popular even when she played Kelly on One Life to Live. I was rooting for Darin Brooks and Rachel Melvin (Max and Chelsea, Days of our Lives) for Younger Actor and Actress but it wasn’t meant to be. Tom Pelphrey from Guiding Light and Jennifer Landon from As the World Turns were the winners in those categories.
The Tyra Banks Show won for Outstanding Talk Show (Informative). A very blonde Tyra accepted her first award for her show. I was glad she won because I was cheering her on when she spoke out about those pictures of her and the extremely high standards in Hollywood. However, I thought her acceptance speech was a tad over the top. But, that’s typical Tyra.
Regis Philbin was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his over 40 years on television. The man does it all. I can’t even tell you how much I love his new game show host gig on Million Dollar Password. That show’s really addicting. Congrats Regis!
The one thing that I always enjoy is the video compilations that they do for the nominees for Outstanding Drama. If they put music with the videos it’s even better. The only show that did that was One Life to Live with One Republic’s Apologize. Every other show passed on the music. Bummer! Overall, the show was a little bit of a letdown. There weren’t a lot of shocking wins. Tony Geary won Lead Actor which wasn’t surprising at all. Aside from the absence of some awkward interviews, it seemed like the same show from last year.
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Friday
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, June 20, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Commentary With a Co-Ed
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tube Talk named one of Web’s top TV blogs: Thank you!
You see, after toiling away here at Tube Talk for the past two years, trying to give you daily TV news updates, celebrity interviews, amusing columns, and a fun forum for discussion, I’ve finally received an accolade, other than my loyal readers’ daily devotion.
A couple weeks ago, I received an e-mail from the folks at, a Web site that evaluates and rates blogs in several categories. The editors at have chosen Tube Talk as one of the Web’s top TV blogs. (I know. I can’t believe it either!)
Tube Talk earned the number five spot on the list, with a 9.4 score out of a possible 10. based its rating on “frequency of updates, relevance of content, site design, and writing style.”

Who else is in the top five? Well, let me just say that I’m still pinching myself. The number-one-rated blog went to Matt Roush’s Dispatch blog at TV Guide, number two went to my blogging idol, E!Online’s Watch With Kristin, number three belonged to the folks at TV With Meevee, and the fourth spot went to a fellow blogger and my cyber pal, The TV Addict. Impressive company, right?
I’m not sure how seriously the blogging world takes these things. (See, I’m still an outsider.) But whether or not it means anything in the grand scheme of things, it means a lot to be on a list of top five anything that includes the names Matt Roush and Kristin Dos Santos.
Since I started this little blog in 2006, it’s been quite a learning curve. I came from the world of print journalism, armed with only my interview and writing skills. I didn’t know HTML, Web design, or even what a blog was. With the encouragement of friends, family, Kathie at Give Me My Remote, and loyal readers of my newspaper column, Tube Talk, I decided to try and publish on the Web in a blog form.
The first few months were rough. I went from 20,000 daily readers in The Exponent Telegram newspaper to barely 200 per day. (Yeah, it stung a little.)
Fast forward to 2008, and now Tube Talk is a syndicated blog at USA Today, Reuters News, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Austin American Statesman, The Dayton Daily News, and Fox News , with millions of readers world wide. I’ve also been a guest on the nationally popular Shaun Daily TV Talk Blog Talk Radio program, and I do a weekly Tube Talk report for the Jack Logar morning show on Magic 106.5.
Before I get all teary-eyed here and prompt you to cue the cheesy music, let me simply say “thank you” to all of you who come here daily, weekly, or occasionally; to those of you who take time enough to comment about a story or give your opinion; and to my dedicated columnists, Becky Tennant, Bethany O’Neil, and Ashley Gouveia, who bring you American Idol coverage and Commentary With a Co-Ed, respectively. Without all of you, I fear Tube Talk would have fizzled like the thousands of other blogs that debut and quickly disappear. (OK, now you can cue the orchestra because this little speech has gone on for entirely too long.)
In closing, let me just say “thank you” for sharing my love of television and inspiring me to combine my love for writing and the TV genre into this little “hobby.” And thanks to the folks at who stumbled onto my little blog and took it seriously enough to evaluate it against Web sites with hordes of employees, such as TV Guide, E!Online, and Zap2it.
Tube Talk Girl
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 15 comments
Labels: News, Tube Talk Girl
Watch your favorite soap stars at the Daytime Emmys Friday night
Photo: Cameron Mathison will host the show with Sherri Shepherd
If you have a passion for Erica Kane, Victor Newman, or Ryan Lavery, then Friday night you don’t want to miss the 35th annual Daytime Emmy Awards.
The show will air on ABC at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.
Cutie Cameron Mathison (All My Children, Dancing With the Stars) and cutie Sherri Shepherd (The View) are hosting the gig. In addition to all the pretty people from the daytime dramas, we’ll get to see plenty of daytime talk show hosts and game show hosts.
Prior to the show, you can catch all the red-carpet arrivals and interviews on SOAPnet, beginning at 6 p.m. ET.
As many of you know, I work part time for the fabulous daytime Web site, Soapcentral, writing the Two Scoops opinion column for As the World Turns. Soapcentral will have plenty of Emmy coverage at the site, including red-carpet interviews, after-party scoop, etc., courtesy of our fearless leader Dan.
I wasn’t exactly thrilled this year with the Emmy nominations. It was too heavily dominated by CBS shows. (For a complete list of nominees, click here.) The Younger Actress Category, specifically shocked me. How Kirsten Storms and Julie Marie Berman, of General Hospital, were overlooked in favor of three actresses on The Young and the Restless is inexplicable.
Still, I’ll be tuning in to see if any of my favorites win, especially my beloved Trent Dawson of As the World Turns for Supporting Actor. Go Trent!
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Award Shows, News
Monday, June 16, 2008
List of canceled shows for the 2007-08 TV season
We met some friends for dinner tonight and they were curious about which of their favorite shows were canceled for next season. (Don’t worry guys, Rules of Engagement is apparently safe.)
During our conversation, it occurred to me that I hadn’t published a complete list of shows for each network that won’t return next season. (I’m a bad TV blogger!)
So, here it is. Read it and weep. Or do the dance of joy, depending on your TV tastes.
And to those of you who’ve e-mailed me, Big Shots, Miss/Guided and October Road are goners. Sorry. Please don’t kill the messenger.
Big Shots
Cashmere Mafia
Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann
Here Come the Newlyweds
Just for Laughs
Men in Trees
Notes From the Underbelly
October Road
Oprah’s Big Give
Women’s Murder Club
Kid Nation
Power of 10
Secret Talent of the Stars
Viva Laughlin
Welcome to the Captain
1 vs. 100
Bionic Woman
Clash of the Choirs
Las Vegas
My Dad is Better Than Your Dad
Scrubs – (Moving to ABC)
The Singing Bee
Aliens in America
Beauty and the Geek
Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants
CW Now
Life is Wild
Online Nation
Pussycat Dolls Presents: Girlicious
WWE Smackdown!
Canterbury’s Law
New Amsterdam
Next Great American Band
The Return of Jezebel James
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 16, 2008 3 comments
Labels: Aliens in America, Big Shots, Journeyman, Las Vegas, Life is Wild, Men in Trees, Moonlight, News, Schedules, Scrubs
TV Land Awards a must see for TV fans
by Jennifer Squires Biller
Where could you possibly see Fonzie, The Golden Girls, Laverne and Shirley, Robin Williams, Justin Timberlake, Mike Myers, Vanessa Williams, the cast of The Office, and a Lionel Richie concert on one show?
The TV Land Awards that’s where. And that’s not even half of the talent that made me laugh during the broadcast.
The show aired last night, but if you missed it, don’t despair. There are several opportunities to watch it again. It will replay tonight at 5 p.m. ET on TV Land, again Saturday morning at 10 a.m., and this Thursday at 2 a.m., for those of you with a VCR or DVR. You can also watch clips of the show at TV Land.
I’ve watched this awards’ show since its inception a few years ago, and this year was one of the best yet. The opening was so incredibly bizarre, yet entertaining, that you have to see it to believe it. Let me explain.
Host Vanessa Williams, or as you may know her, Wilhelmina Slater of Ugly Betty, did a bit about how the past hosts have had flying-theme introduction numbers. Not to be outdone, Williams then looked to the sky only to see some of our favorite classic TV stars flying over the auditorium. Trust me, you’ve not lived until you've seen a much-older Doc from The Love Boat, still dressed in his trademark white shorts ship outfit, flying across the room. Joining him, Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter, Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie, Gary Coleman from Different Strokes, and Greg Brady from The Brady Bunch, to name a few. I don’t want to spoil it all for you, but I assure you it’s worth tuning in to see.
I have to say that whoever is responsible for writing this show and producing the skits, should work for the Emmys and Oscars. (Those shows have become so stuffy, serious, boring, and self-indulgent, I can barely sit through them. Apparently, you’re having the same problem, considering the ratings for those broadcasts this year.) The TV Land Awards skits were hysterical and they gave TV fans what we want. Clips from our favorite shows and tributes to some of our favorites.
One of the funniest skits involved a parody of the paparazzi and TMZ and how they stalk celebrities and put together stories. From the Bionic Woman’s “Lindsay” stealing coats, to “Mama” from Mama’s Family getting out of a limo and showing her crotch, I was rolling. Again, I don’t want to spoil it, but this is one of the funniest skits I’ve seen on an awards show, ever. If you love television, especially classic shows, do not miss it.
There were also touching/funny tributes to Garry Marshall, Mike Myers, the show Roseanne and The Office.
The TV Land Awards are a treat for anyone who loved the shows of the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s and those who are fans of the genre in general. The TV Land Awards is so entertaining it should win an award. Yes, you can consider that my official Tube Talk endorsement.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 16, 2008 4 comments
Labels: Award Shows, The Office, Tube Talk Girl
Lara Flynn Boyle to blog about Twin Peaks
Fans of the cult hit Twin Peaks, this week actress Lara Flynn Boyle will be blogging about the show for the Web site Fancast.
Fancast is a Web site that offers full episodes of television shows, past and present, and currently has all 29 episodes of Twin Peaks that aired in 1990 and 1991.
Much to my delight, it also has shows such as MacGyver, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Family Ties, The Practice, House, The Office and How I Met Your Mother, among a list of others.
Flynn Boyle will be providing commentary at the blog on specific episodes of Twin Peaks and hopes to answer fan questions and give an “insider’s perspective on the show’s massive appeal.”
I’m assuming fans can also ask questions about her days on The Practice and Las Vegas, as well. I’m dying to know what she thought of her crazy exit from Las Vegas, where her character was blown off the roof.
Check out Fancast for more details on Flynn Boyle’s celebrity blog.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 16, 2008 0 comments
Men in Trees star headed to Samantha Who
TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello may have just traded his job for a new one at Entertainment Weekly, but he’s still getting TV scoop. He just posted some casting news at his personal Web site about the adorable James Tupper, formerly of Men in Trees.
Tupper is joining the ABC sitcom Samantha Who for at least three episodes as one of Sam’s love interest. Tupper will play a philanthropist, according to Ausiello.
I’m still sad that Men in Trees is over, but I’m happy that one of the cast members has lined up a new gig so quickly. Now, if we can get something for John Amos and Lauren Tom.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Men in Trees, News
Link time: TV Blog Coalition
Here’s what the Web’s top TV bloggers are discussing this week in the TV Blog Coalition, of which Tube Talk Girl is a proud member. Enjoy!
Katherine Heigl made waves with her statement about Grey's Anatomy while pulling out of the Emmy race this week, but Buzz wondered if perhaps she had a point. (BuzzSugar)
We finally found out just who PJ's mystery date was on the premiere of My Boys. Did she bring along the right guy? If you're a fan of MY BOYS and in the Boston area, join GMMR & Jamie Kaler (Mike) next week for a My Boys party here in Beantown and watch the second episode with fellow fans. (Give Me My Remote)
In preparation for Monday's return of everyone's favorite pot-dealing suburban mom, Pop Vultures is giving away season 3 of Weeds. (Pop Vultures)
Still reeling from her great day on the set of Burn Notice, Rae's got a recap of what happened as well as some visual aids. (RTVW)
Midgets, Token Hot Chicks, and Nerds galore, must be time to hand out the fourth annual Scooter Television Awards. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
Woohoo! It's the Top 20 Dance-Off on So You Think You Can Dance! Vance is super excited and the high level of endorphins from the excitement is probably causing him to love all the dancers so far! (Tapeworthy)
TiFaux was a regular Bloggers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes this week as we gave away all sorts of stuff. But you can still enter to win things like Jackie from Work Out's DVD by e-mailing us. Click the link and enter! (TiFaux)
The casting department at Brothers and Sisters can stop looking for Ryan Walker. Jennifer has found the perfect guy. She also mourned the loss of Men in Trees and celebrated that the Smurfs are coming to the big screen! (Tube Talk)
The TV Addict answers all your TV related questions in his new weekly column 'ASK THE ADDICT' (The TV Addict)
Raoul talked to Bobby from Hell's Kitchen about Gordon Ramsay, Tourette's Syndrome, and what's next for him. (TV Filter)
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 16, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Mourning Tim Russert
When the news popped up on television last night that Tim Russert had suddenly died of a heart attack, I gasped in shock.
As I watched the NBC nightly news pay tribute to Russert for an entire 30 minutes, the tears came. It seems crazy that I would be mourning a man I didn’t know. Yet, at the same time, I felt like I did know him.
In the last few years of my life, I’ve become somewhat of a political junkie, vehemently debating the upcoming political election process and analyzing the candidates’ records and views. Russert was the one political commentator, the only one in this partisan world of political coverage, that I felt was genuinely fair. He asked the tough questions, without appearing boorish. He stated his ideas simply, eluding the ubiquitous spin of today’s media.
For those of you who don’t follow politics, (I know you read this blog for TV news and scoop, not politics) Russert was the host of the Sunday morning show Meet the Press and a longtime political news commentator. He was NBC’s Washington bureau chief. But most of all, he was a trusted news source, a rarity in these days.
I can’t imagine the upcoming Presidential election coverage without Russert. Who will ask the tough questions, explain the complexity of the convention super delegate process, and offer real insight into the candidates’ goals and agendas? Without Russert to captain the political ship of the ’08 election, I fear the murky waters will become a stormy sea full of misinformation and confusion.
One thing is for certain, Russert will be missed. Godspeed, Tim. You were a true inspiration and example to all, even those of us who never knew you.
Posted by tube talk girl at Saturday, June 14, 2008 2 comments
Labels: News, Tube Talk Girl
Friday, June 13, 2008
Commentary with a Co-Ed: TV's best and worst cliffhangers this season
by Ashley Gouveia
Now that the TV season has come to a close, it’s time to give my thoughts on this year’s most shocking and disappointing cliffhangers.
All of you are aware of how much I hate those little season-enders that are supposed to keep the viewers guessing until the show returns. However, if a cliffhanger is executed correctly I could actually love to hate it.
Here are my picks for the ones that hit their marks and the others that failed to reach their potential.
Supernatural: Dean goes to Hell. Raise your hand if you didn’t think that the writers were actually going to send Dean to the pit. *raises hand* I had convinced myself that Sam was going to find a way out for his big brother in time to save him. Nope, I was wrong. Sam had to watch as hellhounds ripped his brother to shreds leaving Sam all alone without Dean to protect him. First off, amazing performances by both Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. Secondly, this cliffhanger is one that served its purpose. It got all the fans talking about how Dean is going to get out and what will happen to Sam while he’s gone. Granted, I didn’t love to see my Dean getting gruesomely ripped apart, but that last shot of him in Hell kept me wanting more.
One Tree Hill: Lucas makes a choice…sort of. These are the types of cliffhangers I can’t stand. The ones where the cliffhanger is given to you in the commercial a week before the episode airs. We saw Lucas at an airport, calling someone and asking them to go to Vegas with him. These were the choices for his possible traveling mate: Peyton, Brooke or Lindsey. Now that was just from the commercial. The episode ended, and we had all the girls answering their phones at the same time when Lucas made the call. Everyone can guess who they think it might be, but I think it would’ve been a stronger ending if we actually saw who he was calling. That way the fans could discuss what happened that lead Lucas to that decision.
Ugly Betty: Betty makes a choice…kind of. I absolutely love this show on a regular basis, but this season’s cliffhanger left much to be desired. Betty felt like she had to make a choice between Henry and Gio. Who did she choose? My guess is as good as yours. Like the One Tree Hill cliffhanger, it could have been a better ending if we saw who she chose. If it was Henry, I wanted to see him at her doorstep waiting for her. If it was Gio, he should have been there with her favorite sandwich paper bagged and ready to sweep her off to Rome. I would have liked those endings a little better than the one we actually got. If we compare it to the season one cliffhanger, I think this one would lose.
Lost: Locke is in the coffin. It did take a while for this to finally be revealed. We first saw this coffin in last year’s season finale. The fans had their predictions on whose funeral Jack attended in the future. When it was revealed that it was Locke and he was using a different name I was genuinely pleased. I wish the episode could have kept going, but that’s what the cliffhanger is supposed to do. It made sense that it would be Locke who met his demise. I wasn’t disappointed with the ending. If anything, I want the show to return sooner so I can see what happens next.
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Friday
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, June 13, 2008 4 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
On the set of "When in Rome" with Josh Duhamel and Kristen Bell
Two of my favorite TV actors are starring together in an upcoming film that is poised to become a gigantic hit. (No, that’s not wishful thinking. It’s a fact that when Josh Duhamel and Kristen Bell are associated with a project, smart viewers like yourself will flock to see them.)
Duhamel (Las Vegas) and the adorable Bell (Veronica Mars) are filming When in Rome and took a few minutes to talk to ET in this video clip. Will Arnett is also in the film and chimes in during the interview, too. It’s good stuff, and I wanted to share, not only because any chance to see Duhamel and Bell chatting is worth a blog post, but because I want to give this movie some press.
When in Rome is about a young art curator (Bell) who finds herself aggressively pursued by a band of wannabe lovers after she steals coins from a Roman fountain.
No official release date has been issued, but I’m hearing sometime in early 2009. Enjoy!
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, June 12, 2008 3 comments
Labels: Josh Duhamel, Kristen Bell
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Goodbye Men in Trees: Series finale airs tonight
Greetings, fellow TV fans. Please join me in a moment of silence, as I mourn the passing of one of the quirkiest shows to be broadcast in years.
Tonight is the series finale of Men in Trees on ABC. It’s our final hour with Marin, Plow Guy, Buzz, Jack and the gang.
I could spend the majority of this column verbally abusing the insanely out-of-touch ABC decision makers who gave this show no chance because of all its schedule hiatuses and time changes, but that would sour what is supposed to be a touching tribute to a show that has made me smile since its debut.
Here’s a quick look at why I adored this show and why I’ll be crying in my diet Pepsi tonight.
Alaska never looked so inviting: I know it’s not really Alaska, since the show is shot in Vancouver. But, Men in Trees featured some of the most beautiful outdoor shots ever shown on a television show. It made me want to book a trip to Vancouver.
Mai Washington’s one-liners: Actress Lauren Tom can deliver a one-liner like no one else on television. All she has to do is roll her eyes at husband Buzz (John Amos) and toss out her nickname for him, “Old man,” in that accent and I dissolve into a fit of laughter.
Celebrating the simple life: The folks of Elmo are a simple lot. Give them a beer at the Chieftan and something to gossip about at the bar, and life is good. It was a nice change of television pace to see nature, friendships, and family explored in a television show instead of championing the cutthroat, fast-paced lipstick jungle shown so often in network television.
Romance: Television shows sometimes cross the line from fun, exciting romance to sappy soap dramas. Men in Trees never crossed that line. From interracial relationships (Buzz and Mai) to couples from opposite lifestyles falling in love (Sam the “plow guy” and Jane,) there was always humor in every story.
Well-written plots: This show had such a quaint feel from the start that I was concerned that the interesting plot premise would quickly fizzle out. It didn’t. Ultimately, Men in Trees was a show about relationships and the differences between men and women. Each story beautifully illustrated the differences while showing us that all of us seem happier when finding that special connection with someone.
In closing, thank you Jenny Bicks for creating such a gem of a show. I’m sorry it didn’t get better treatment from the network, but you should know that you touched viewers, including this one.
Goodbye Men in Trees. You’ll be missed.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, June 11, 2008 22 comments
Labels: Men in Trees, Tube Talk Girl
Smurfs movie in the works
The Smurfs are coming to the big screen! Can I get a woo-hoo?
Variety is reporting that the hit cartoon show of the ‘80s is being made into a live action/animated film for the big screen.
The Smurfs was one of my favorite cartoons as a child. I spent many Saturday mornings with my little blue friends that lived in the mushroom village. (Um, it was entirely innocent, I assure you.)
Yes, it was odd that there was only one female in the entire village, but I didn’t care. That Smurfette was one savvy gal if you ask me.
David Stem and David Weiss, of the popular Shrek franchise, are writing the film.
No word yet on which Smurfs will make it into the film or who will voice them. I hope to see some of my favorites. Can you imagine Stephen Colbert as Brainy Smurf or Neil Patrick Harris as Vanity Smurf?
Stay tuned to Tube Talk for any upcoming details on the movie’s completion, casting and release date.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, June 11, 2008 4 comments
Labels: Neil Patrick Harris, News
Don’t miss Discovery’s “When We Left Earth: The Nasa Missions”
It’s not often I pimp television shows during the summer. The ridiculous reality shows that litter my screen during the summer months literally make me pull out my DVD collection in search of some quality TV. But for the next two weeks, there is one show that is worth your time to watch.
The series shows historical footage of the previous space missions and follows the U.S. journey into space. For those of us under 40, it’s a chance to put faces to names like Alan Shepherd, Neil Armstrong, Chuck Yeager and Buzz Aldren.
I watched the first part of the series, and was mesmerized. I know I usually spend time here talking about fluff shows, but get your geek on with me and check this one out. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, June 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: News
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Casting Ryan Walker on Brothers & Sisters
by Jennifer Squires Biller
In the shocking season finale of Brothers & Sisters, it was revealed that another Walker child exists. That William Walker sure was a busy guy who apparently never met a condom he liked.
As soon as the name Ryan Walker was mentioned, I began mentally casting the part from my living room lazy chair. I thought of Joshua Jackson, but he’s now on board as the lead in the new J.J. Abrams show Fringe.
Then, I thought about Josh Duhamel, coming off the canceled Las Vegas. But realistically, Duhamel is probably going to stick full time to films now, considering his success with Transformers and all the buzz surrounding his new movie with Kristen Bell.
I know many of you are lobbying for Gregory Smith, of Everwood fame, to snag the coveted role of Ryan Walker. But, I’m going in a different direction.
I think the role should go to…. drum roll please…Matt Long.
Long’s career in television was short but memorable. The 10 people besides myself, who actually watched the WB show Jack and Bobby, are familiar with Long. He played the role of Jack McCallister with such a quiet elegance that I’ve never forgotten him. He’s one of those actors that just draw you in from the moment he enters the scene.

What do you think, Tubers? Are you familiar with Long? If so, do you think he should be Ryan Walker, or do you have someone else in mind? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, June 10, 2008 21 comments
Labels: Brothers and Sisters, Tube Talk Girl
Monday, June 09, 2008
Dirt canceled
The FX show Dirt is history.
The show’s star, Courteney Cox Arquette broke the news Sunday when asked about a possible season three, according to TV Guide.
Season two was shortened due to the writers’ strike.
Sorry Dirt fans. I know you loved the trashy tabloid show that too often mirrored the real-life celebrity shenanigans that go on in Hollywood.
Despite the cancellation, Cox Arquette did say that she and husband David Arquette are working on more future projects together.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: News
Tube News
Jason Priestley fans, the former Beverly Hills 90210 star is directing a new show on GAC called The Road Hammers. The show follows a Canadian country music band as they negotiate a U.S. record deal. The show premieres Thursday, June 12, at 8:30 p.m. ET on GAC.
The romance between former Dancing With the Stars partners Mario Lopez and Karina Smirnoff is apparently over. Smirnoff told the New York Post that she and Lopez are still friends but that they are busy right now concentrating on their careers. Lopez, is currently on Broadway starring in A Chorus Line.
Beloved TV star Kelsey Grammer is out of the hospital and doing well, following a mild heart attack recently. Grammer suffered the heart attack while paddle boarding in Hawaii.
Patrick Swayze has signed for a new show on A&E called Beast. Swayze will play an FBI agent at odds with internal affairs. Swayze is battling pancreatic cancer, but his doctor has cleared him for work. He’s signed on for 13 episodes.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Dancing With the Stars, Mario Lopez, News
Links from the Blogosphere
Here's a roundup of what the Web's top TV bloggers in the TV Blog Coalition are talking about this week.
Rae's in Miami visiting the set of Burn Notice but she's still got time to tease us with a few tidbits from the dinner with showrunner and creator Matt Nix. (RTVW)
Scooter counts down the top ten shows of this past season and surprisingly no VH1 programs made the list this year. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
Vance has always loved the Midwest (People are seriously SO nice AND good looking there!) so no wonder he loved the most dancers at the auditions in Milwaukee for So You Think You Can Dance. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace couldn't have been more angry than upon seeing sourpuss Lisa advance her way into the final round on Top Chef. Grr. (Televisionary)
Apparently the ratings for The Mole were in the crapper for the season premiere. However, Dan still thinks it's a reasonably good reality show that is worth sticking with. (TiFaux)
Smallville fans are still mourning the loss of Michael Rosenbaum's departure for next season, but the news that the Green Arrow (Justin Hartley) has signed on as a regular cast member is softening the blow for Jennifer. I mean, have you seen him in the green leather?! (Tube Talk)
We started our desperate attempt to fill the summer with 'interesting content' by posting the first of what will no doubt be many look backs at the 2007-08 television season. [the TV Addict]
Kate talked to the cast of How I Met Your Mother about life, love and just who is the mother? (TV Filter)
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 09, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Green Arrow headed back to Smallville
Woo Hoo! This is the best news I’ve heard in, well, a LONG time.
Justin Hartley, aka the Green Arrow on Smallville, has just inked a deal as a series regular on the show next season, according to E!Online. That means the Green Arrow will be back in town to get hearts fluttering (Lois, I’m talking to you) and to fight for justice for all.
When I heard that Hartley’s new medical show for the CW was not picked up to air for the next season, I thought perhaps Hartley would be off our screens in the upcoming TV season. Thank you, CW, for having the sense to realize what a gem he is and locking him in to this deal.
I mean, no one wears green leather like Hartley. No one.
I know many of you may not rejoice at this news though, as it seems that when Green Arrow is involved in the show, it becomes less about Clark Kent. You’re right, in some aspects. But from what I’ve seen of Smallville lately, it hasn’t been much about Clark Kent’s journey to become Superman anyway. It’s been about Kara, Brainiac, and all the other characters from the comic book universe. Perhaps, Green Arrow is just the shove, or example, young Clark needs to realize there is an entire world awaiting his assistance beyond Smallville.
Congratulations to Hartley and to the CW. With Michael Rosenbaum’s exit, I was hearing plenty of rumblings from folks who weren’t overly anxious to tune in to Smallville this season. Now, they have one more reason to do so.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, June 05, 2008 5 comments
Labels: Justin Hartley, News, Smallville, Tube Talk Girl
Rescue Me minisodes starting June 24
For the past few summers, Rescue Me has been my summer pleasure. But this year, the series won’t return until April of 2009, due to the writers’ strike.
To help get us through the long hiatus, Rescue Me is offering 10 five-minute “minisodes” every Tuesday, beginning June 24 at 10 p.m. The minisodes will be available the next day on the Web at
The goal is to “bridge the gap between season four and season five,” Rescue Me star Denis Leary told the ladies of The View this week.
The minisodes will be stand alone, comedic, and feature regular cast members Leary, Adam Ferrara, Michael Lombardi, Steven Pasquale, Andrea Roth, John Scurti, Daniel Sunjata and Callie Thorne. (According to TV Guide, the recently arrested Tatum O’Neal wasn’t scheduled to participate, but Leary said on The View that she’ll be back on the regular show.)
So, what do you think, Tubers? Will these minisodes be enough to give you your Rescue Me summer fix? April 2009 is a long time for the show to be off the air, almost two years between seasons. Kudos to the Rescue Me folks for realizing that viewers need to have a reminder so they don’t forget about this fabulous show.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, June 05, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Denis Leary, News, Rescue Me
I'm back
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, June 05, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Kelsey Grammer suffers heart attack
Beloved television star Kelsey Grammer, who made the character Frasier Crane a household name, suffered a mild heart attack during the weekend.
Grammer is recovering in a hospital in Hawaii and is expected to be released soon.
The attack occurred when Grammer was paddle boarding in Hawaii, where he lives with his wife.
We wish him a speedy recovery!
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, June 03, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Kelsey Grammer, News
Rescue Me star arrested for drugs
Rescue Me star Tatum O’Neal was busted Sunday in New York after allegedly buying powder cocaine near her home. When arrested, police discovered two bags of cocaine in O’Neal’s pocket. She’s charged with criminal possession of an illegal substance.
Ironically, O’Neal plays a woman with an alcohol addiction on the show Rescue Me with Denis Leary. She also appeared on Dancing With the Stars.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, June 03, 2008 0 comments
Monday, June 02, 2008
What to watch this summer
Photos: Saving Grace, Psych and My Boys
Summer is here, Tubers! And when you’re not dipping your toes in the pool or the sand at the beach or in the backyard to grill some burgers, you may want to settle down and watch some quality television.
I know. You don’t normally think of summer as the season for quality television. Well, folks, times have changed.
The past few years, cable networks have stepped up with spectacular summer programming that in some cases puts many of the networks’ fall shows to shame. I’m talking about shows like Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, Saving Grace and Psych, to name a few.

So, the good news is that there are plenty of shows for every TV lovers’ taste. Million Dollar Password, one of my favorite game shows as a child, is back on CBS for game show fans. Drama lovers have Saving Grace, The Closer, and Burn Notice. Those who prefer comedy, don’t miss My Boys, Psych, and Monk. (Sadly Psych and Monk don’t return until July though.)
The only bad news here is that Rescue Me and Nip/Tuck on FX aren’t on the summer schedule at all. They’ll return in the fall or winter.
I know you’ve probably got better things to do this summer than watch television, but if you’re on the lookout for some quality shows, you do have some great choices. My picks are in red below with the debut dates. As you know, I rarely pimp reality shows because I detest them, so my picks mostly are for quality scripted shows. It's my blog, so I go with what I love. (My apologies to reality show junkies.) Enjoy!
Sunday, June 1
Monday, June 2
Tuesday, June 3
Friday, June 6
Saturday, June 7
Sunday, June 8
Wednesday, June 11
Tuesday, June 17
Wednesday, June 18
Tuesday, June 24
Tuesday, July 1
Friday, July 11
Monday, July 21
Tuesday, July 29
Eureka, 9 p.m., Sci Fi
Lewis Black's Root of All Evil, 10:30 p.m., Comedy Central
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, June 02, 2008 7 comments
Labels: Monk, Psych, Schedules, Tube Talk Girl