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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Win a walk-on role on Veronica Mars and more

Have you dreamed of sharing a scene with Veronica Mars? Now is your chance.

U.S. Vets, a partnership for homeless veterans, is sponsoring a contest to win a walk-on role on Veronica Mars.

The role is “guaranteed to have direct interaction with Veronica, and you will get to meet the cast and crew.” That’s right. It’s a chance to meet Logan, Veronica, the sheriff and the rest of the gang. You’ll even get to visit the set in San Diego.

For information on how to enter, visit the official Web site http://www.usvetsinc.org/

Also, for diehard Veronica fans, check out these recent interviews with the Veronica Mars folks:

Kristen Bell talks to IF Magazine

Rob Thomas talks to Television Without Pity

Jason Dohring interview at USA Today

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tube News: Joss Whedon, Dawson returns to TV, Veronica Mars, Dancing with the Stars and more

Joss Whedon directing "The Office"
Perhaps everyone else in the free world already knows this, but I just found out that television-genius Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel) is directing an episode of The Office. This is an example of the things you learn from reading actors’ blogs. Jenna Fischer (Pam, The Office) talks about working with Whedon at her MySpace blog. The Whedon episode is scheduled to air in late February, according to Entertainment Weekly. If that’s not enough to entice you to read Fischer’s blog, she has some cute photos of John Krasinski posted there, too.

Veronica Mars not filming series final
The word out of the CW winter press tour is that Veronica Mars will not be filming a “series finale episode” this season. That means the writers won’t be wrapping up all the storylines in a nice, neat package, since they’re under the assumption that the show will continue on next season. That’s the good news. The bad news is that beginning March 6, the plucky detective goes on hiatus for eight weeks to make room for the CW’s new Pussycat Dolls reality show, where contestants compete to be the next Pussycat Doll. No, that wasn’t a joke. I wish.

Felicity is cover girl and pregnant, too
Felicity Porter,
I knew you when. Imagine my surprise when I opened up the January issue of Cosmopolitan to find Felicity, or should I say the gorgeous Keri Russell, staring out at me in full-page color in a Cover Girl makeup ad. She looks incredible, peddling lip-gloss. Somewhere, Noel Crane is eating his heart out. In related news, TV Guide is reporting that Russell is expecting her first child with fiancée Shane Deary. Somewhere, Noel Crane is eating his heart out. That joke never gets old.

James Van Der Beek to guest star on "Criminal Minds"
Those of you wondering what happened to Dawson Leery, wonder no more. James Van Der Beek is guest starring on the CBS show Criminal Minds in the post Super Bowl episode. Van Der Beek is allegedly playing a seriously deranged sociopath. I don’t know about you, but I blame Joey Potter for this.

Brothers and Sisters casts "Everwood" alumnus
TV Guide
is reporting that Emily VanCamp is joining Brothers & Sisters. VanCamp won the role of Rebecca, the illegitimate daughter of the show’s deceased patriarch. Everwood fans everywhere, rejoice.

The O.C. not picked up by the CW
I’ve received plenty of mail from you about your desire to keep The O.C. on the air and continue the adventures of Taylor and Ryan and the rest of the Cohens. I hear you, folks, but sadly this is a battle we can’t win. The CW did not pick up the show, as many of you had hoped. Yes, I agree it would have been an excellent fit for the network. But, apparently, the important people in charge of these decisions don’t agree. The O.C. series finale will air on Thursday, Feb. 22. Send tissues, Tubers.

"Dancing with the Stars" returns in March
Move over Emmitt Smith. Dancing with the Stars will return Monday, March 19, with a two-hour premiere. No word yet on which celebrities will be shaking and shimmying this spring.

Show pick ups for "Scrubs," "Earl," "The Office" and more
will be back for a seventh and final season. Yay! Some of my other favorite NBC shows that are getting another season include The Office, My Name is Earl and Heroes. And over on The CW, everybody will go on hating Chris next year. Everybody Hates Chris was picked up for a third season.

Watch CW shows for free online
The CW network is offering viewers free TV at its Web site. Veronica Mars, One Tree Hill, Supernatural, Everybody Hates Chris, Beauty and the Geek, All of Us, Girlfriends, and The Game can be watched for up to four weeks after their initial on-air telecast. Unfortunately, Smallville isn’t among the shows included in the online viewing package at www.CWTV.com. I just know Lex Luthor had something to do with this.

Let’s hear it for the curvy girls

Jennifer Hudson at the 2007 SAG Awards

This year’s award season has been a refreshing change for those of us who sit at home, watching, wondering if the pretty people parading by ever eat.

This year, real women, with real curves, are walking the red carpet. And I’m not talking about the gals who the fashion media dub as “curvy,” just because the actresses dared to squeeze themselves into a size four. I’m talking about the real-looking women, who are ruling the red carpet.

Let’s hear it for Jennifer Hudson, Chandra Wilson, America Ferrera, Sara Ramirez and the other ladies who are proudly showing off their assets.

Just a few years ago, these gals never would have been mentioned in the endless fashion critiques and best/worst-dressed lists that inevitably accompany awards shows. I cite the example of the gorgeous Queen Latifah at the 2004 Golden Globes, as proof. The Queen was one of my top picks for best dressed that year, but she failed to get a mention from fashion gurus Joan and Melissa Rivers and their counterparts. The style shows and magazines touted the best-dressed starlets to be the thin crowd i.e. Renée Zellweger, Nicole Kidman, etc. Sure, they looked great too, but the Queen was stunning that year. And sadly, she was ignored, because she didn’t look like the typical Hollywood starlet.

Queen Latifah at the 2004 Golden Globes

This year, Ferrera earned a “best dressed” nod for her Golden Globe gown from People magazine. And Hudson’s photo is everywhere in that gorgeous gown she wore to the SAG Awards. And despite that everyone is talking about Grey’s Anatomy’s Katherine Heigl, Sandra Oh and Kate Walsh as fashion icons, Ramirez was my pick for best-dressed cast member at the SAG Awards.

Believe it or not, real people, like me, actually like seeing real-looking women playing Cinderella for the night. It’s nice to see actresses whose images aren’t so unattainably perfect that they look as if they stepped off the toy-store Barbie-doll shelf. And frankly, it’s refreshing to not feel the need to give the actresses a sandwich, out of fear they may keel over from starvation while they’re telling us about their Harry Winston diamonds and Gucci gown.

I’m not so naïve as to think that this trend toward real-looking women in Hollywood will continue. I’m just optimistic enough to hope that it will.

(left) Sara Ramirez at the 2007 SAG Awards and (below) at the Golden Globes

(below) America Ferrera at the 2007 Golden Globes and Chandra Wilson at the SAG Awards

Monday, January 29, 2007

SAG Award Winners

For those of you who missed the Screen Actors Guild Awards last night, here’s a list of the winners in the TV categories. I was pleased with the recipients.

My girl Chandra Wilson (Grey's Anatomy) finally got a shiny trophy. And who can argue the fact that Grey’s Anatomy is the best ensemble drama and that The Office is the best ensemble comedy? No one.

Good choices, SAG voters, on each of the following categories. Well done.

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series
Chandra Wilson - “Grey’s Anatomy”

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series
Alec Baldwin - “30 Rock”

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series
Hugh Laurie - “House M.D.”

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series
America Ferrera - “Ugly Betty”

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series
“Grey’s Anatomy”

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series
“The Office (US)”

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries
Jeremy Irons - “Elizabeth I”

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries
Helen Mirren - “Elizabeth I”

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres video

Winter blues got ya down? No worries. This clip will perk you up better than a shot of Red Bull. This is the absolute funniest thing I’ve seen all month. Seriously. I can’t stop laughing. Our friends over at Give Me My Remote shared this gem from The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and I’m grateful, as I don’t get to watch Ellen on a regular basis. The clip involves an 88-year-old Texas woman who called Ellen to tell her to move a plant from behind her head because it was making her look like Alfalfa. Thank you so much GMMR for sharing this and making me laugh. I’ve watched it three times already. I’m posting it here for your viewing pleasure, Tubers. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Matt Damon does Matthew McConaughey

I’ve had a lot of requests from all the We Are Marshall fans to post this clip. So, here it is: Matt Damon on Letterman, impersonating his friend, “The Sexiest Man Alive.”

For McConaughey’s reaction, check out this clip at You Tube. Sorry, the owner doesn’t allow embedding.

Isaiah Washington seeks counseling and Shonda Rhimes speaks out

Isaiah Washington (Dr. Burke, Grey’s Anatomy) has entered a behavioral treatment facility, according to Life & Style magazine.

The move was prompted by his recent actions of using a gay slur on the Grey’s Anatomy set toward castmate T.R. Knight (Dr. O’Malley, Grey’s Anatomy.) Washington then later denied to the press that he said the word “f-----,” during the Grey's Golden Globes post-win media conference, prompting outrage from castmates, the network, the press and the public. During the denial, Washington uttered the infamous "F" word again. Knight, in the interim, came out to the public, while rumors persisted that Washington could be fired over the incident.

Here is Washington’s statement:

"With the support of my family and friends, I have begun
counseling. I regard this as a necessary step toward understanding why I did what I did and making sure it never happens again. I appreciate the fact that I have been given this opportunity, and I remain committed to transforming my negative actions into positive results, personally and

Grey’s Anatomy show-runner Shonda Rhimes issued this statement about Washington:

"I speak for all the executive producers here at Grey’s Anatomy when I say that Isaiah Washington’s use of such a disturbing word was a shocking and dismaying event that insulted not only gays and lesbians everywhere but anyone who has ever struggled for respect in a world that is not always accepting of difference.We’ve been working within the Grey’s family as well as with ABC and Touchstone Television to address the issue in a way that underscores the gravity of the situation while giving us all a foundation for healing. We applaud and encourage Isaiah’s realization that he needs help and his subsequent choice to seek immediate treatment for his behavioral issues.We appreciate the support the fans have always given our show, particularly during this stressful time. Creatively, we continue to strive to make the best television we can with the hope that our show reflects the talent, hard work and professionalism of our cast and crew."

Week two of American Idol auditions

by guest bloggers Becky and Bethany

Here we are at week two of American Idol auditions and, frankly, our opinion is “bring on Hollywood.”

One week of auditions is plenty. There’s only so much we can take! Unfortunately, these long, agonizing weeks of watching folks humiliate, embarrass, and make utter fools of themselves is what gives American Idol good ratings and is what the producers want. So, it’s what we get.

Week two began in Memphis, the home of the blues. From Memphis we got Elvis, Al Green, and BB King. Surely there would be some musical talent here, after the let downs from last week. Simon began the show extremely cranky and even “spanked” Ryan Seacrest for disrupting the auditions. So, we could deduce from the beginning that there wasn’t “a friend in Memphis” for Ryan.

OK, there was some talent in Memphis, and it was interesting talent, to say the least. Jason “Sundance” Head, whose father was Roy Head, best known for “Treat her Right”, was a favorite of the judges. Simon made an early prediction that “he would be amazed if Sundance didn’t make it to the finals.” We agree he was good.

There was also Sean Michel, from Arkansas. At first glance, he resembled Osama Bin Laden. No Jesus. No, wait. He’s a stand in for Fidel Castro. But, regardless of his somewhat unusual appearance, the boy can sing. We are rooting for him. It will be interesting to see what the stylists have in store for that beard.

And capping off our top three from Memphis was Melinda Doolittle. She is a backup singer, who wasn’t very confident, but could really belt out “For Once in my Life,” by Stevie Wonder. She is sure to appear in the top 24.

On a side note: Philip Stacy, who missed the birth of his baby girl to audition for the show, was not very impressive, though he was moved on to Hollywood. He better bring it there, or he will look like a real loser for sure.

New York, New York, here we are. The city that never sleeps. This city was full of attention-seeking drama kings and queens. We had Ian Benardo and Ashanti Johnson. These two, along with a few other unmentionables, would be better suited to try out for a Broadway play or show choir. All we can say is “drama, drama, drama,” with a little social commentary thrown in by Sarah Goldberg. We’re convinced that this chick was planted there. And why they put her on is beyond comprehension. There were already enough “strange” and “peculiar” folks to go around: Isadore Furman, clairvoyant….Need we say more?

Now, to the folks who are moving on. Amanda and Antonella thrilled the men, by frolicking in their swimsuits on the beach. These two obviously enraptured Simon and Randy. Though they could sing, we all know why they got passed through. So, here we are, once again, wondering, “Where is our eye candy?”

Then, finally, in walks Jenry Bejarano. He is only 16, ladies, but my, oh my, can he…sing. Christopher Richardson and Nicholas Pedro also added a little sweetness to the mix. Let’s hope that Nick keeps it up this time, and we see one of them in the finals.

So we end week two of Idol, and they’re off to Birmingham. We conclude by saying a few parting words from Isadore Furman. No. Wait. We can’t.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Veronica Mars returns tonight

My favorite blonde in television returns tonight from her winter hiatus and gets into some monkey business.

Catch an all-new Veronica Mars tonight on the CW at 9 p.m. EST. That’s not a suggestion. It’s an order.

Here is the official network description of what Ronnie and her pals are up to in tonight’s episode. And yes, it does involve a monkey:

Attempting to keep her mind off Logan (Jason Dohring), Veronica (Kristen Bell) takes a job helping animal researchers track down a monkey missing from their laboratory. In order to find the missing animal, Veronica and Mac (Tina Majorino) go undercover as members of an on-campus animal rights group, believed to have freed the monkey. Meanwhile, Mindy O'Dell (guest star Jamie Ray Newman, "E Ring") asks Keith (Enrico Colantoni) to investigate Dean O'Dell's (Ed Begley, Jr., who does not appear in the episode) death because she believes he was murdered.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip returns tonight

If you watch one show tonight, please make it Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip on NBC at 10 p.m. EST. It could use the ratings help, and frankly, I don’t want to add it to the growing list of quality shows that couldn’t find an audience.

Studio 60 debuted mediocre. Since then, it has deemed itself worthy of four stars in the Tube Talk ratings system. The Christmas Show alone was a stroke of genius.

If you’ve never watched the show, head over to NBC and watch the spectacular two-minute replay to catch you up. You can also watch The Christmas Show episode while you’re there. Go!

Scrubs the musical

I admit I’m a musical theater junkie. That said, I’m always a little nervous when a television show tries to do a musical. Buffy the Vampire Slayer set the bar high. (Yes, I’m an enormous geek who owns the soundtrack from the Buffy musical and can sing all the lyrics. Mock me, if you must.)

When I heard the Scrubs gang was doing a musical, I admittedly was skeptical. Silly me. I should have known in the capable hands of show-runner Bill Lawrence and his talented cast, the result would be bloody brilliant.

I was most shocked that Dr. Cox has a voice to die for. (Pun intended.) That man should be on Broadway. Anyway, for those of you who missed Thursday’s show, here are two of my favorite numbers from the musical: Guy Love and Everything Comes Down to Poo. Warning: You will need Kleenex you’ll be laughing so hard. Enjoy!

Everything Comes Down to Poo

Guy Love

Prison Break returns tonight

Prison Break fans, tonight’s the night. The show returns tonight at 8 p.m. EST on FOX.

I bring this up for two reasons: One, the FOX folks sent me a crazy cool Prison Break ball cap, and I’m a sucker for free swag. And two, I had the chance to screen the episode, and it’s deliciously good. Don’t worry. I won’t spoil you. Check it out for yourselves tonight.

To recap, when last we left Michael (Wentworth Miller) and Lincoln (Dominic Purcell,) they had been captured and were on their way back to Fox River State Penitentiary. In a shocking twist, Agent Kellerman (Paul Adelstein) shot his fellow agent, Mahone, (William Fichtner) and vowed to take down President Reynolds, the woman responsible for the conspiracy that sent the two brothers to prison in the first place.

Tonight’s episode is the first of nine original episodes to air without repeats until the season finale later this spring.

In a related note for my friend Becky, who declares this show her favorite on the tube, my hat is off limits!

American Idol premiere

As most of you know, I don’t blog about reality television, with the exception being Dancing with the Stars. That said, I know many of you are huge fans of American Idol. I don’t watch the show, as I don’t find it entertaining to tear people down. Nonetheless, American Idol is so popular that two Tube Talk readers have sent me their take on the show.

So, please welcome guest bloggers Becky and Bethany, who’ve taken time to blog their thoughts about the American Idol premiere. Thank you ladies! Folks, please show them some Tube Talk love.

American Idol
by Becky and Bethany

Don’t be down on us because we watch American Idol. It isn’t for everyone, and we know that. We just hope that you will enjoy our takes on this mindless form of entertainment that gets us through the dull days of winter. We are Becky and Bethany, and we are your link to what’s happening on Season six of American Idol.

Season six begins with auditions in Minneapolis, with singer/songwriter Jewell as a guest. Minneapolis can be summed up in just one name according to Simon: Jason Anderson. This poor 16-year-old juggler and dancer just couldn’t make the singing cut. Now, we know that Simon beats up on the contestants, and well, he wasn’t the best singer, but we give him props for auditioning. And of course, the American Idol editors had a field day with this one after the audition. There was actually a little bit of compassion on our part for this young boy, who obviously had hopes and dreams of becoming the next American Idol, that was until he broke out into a beeped-out rant about how the judges sucked.

Which brings us to the heart of American Idol. This show is going into its sixth season people. We all know that Randy will give some constructive criticism, Paula won’t give much of anything, and Simon will be hurtful, rude, crass, and cranky. Why, why, why do these people, who have to know that they are not American Idol material, expect it to be any different? That is why people watch the show. Now you can tell us that, “No I watch it for the music.” Yeah right. We know that you watch it to see if Randy can find someone for the “Dawg Pound”, if Paula will say anything that makes any sense, and to see how many people Simon can make cry or have a complete total breakdown. That is why American Idol is the number one show in the world! Now back to round one of auditions.

Minneapolis didn’t start or end well. Ten thousand people came to audition, and only 17 moved on to Hollywood. We were given everybody from the guy representing the Urban Amish, to Apollo Creed singing opera, to Trista playing the part of the Cowardly Lion. However there were some bright spots, and we do emphasize the word some. Perla the Columbian cutie who cracked at “Call Me,” by Blondie, but did good enough to get through a rendition of “Hips Don’t Lie,” by Shakira. Sarah Kruger paid homage to last year’s first runner-up Katherine McPhee, with “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” And of course our own US military is represented by Jarrod Fowler, a member of the US Navy and Rachel Jenkins, a member of the US Army Reserve, whose husband is currently serving in Iraq.

Minneapolis ends with more tears of disappointment then tears of joy. Hopefully Seattle will bring a little bit more talent to the audition stage.

Ah Seattle, the city that brought Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and everything grunge; How could American Idol go wrong seeking talent here? Well as the song playing in the background by Milli Vanilli stated, let’s just “blame it on the rain.” Seattle sucked, or should we say soaked? We began with Brandon Graves from Wheeling WV; though he tried out last season, would he represent the mountain state in Hollywood? Well, if the red, white, and blue Uncle Sam costume was any indication, it was once again all heart and not much talent. We had everything from Jennifer Chapton, known as “the hotness,” who personally was a little too over-confident in abilities that just weren’t there, Darwin Reedy “the blond bombshell,” who’s wacky mom came with her, and even though she didn’t make it through, they still love AI, and David Mills, who attempted “Lean on Me.” All we can say about that was “ouch”. On a brighter note, there was some talent to be found in Seattle. We had brother and sister, Sanjaya and Shyamali, who are both great singers and moved on to Hollywood. But can the family togetherness that we all saw in Seattle last through the rigorous competition in Hollywood? And we also had Blake Lewis, with his beat-bop sound and crazy hair, who won Paula’s heart, which sent him moving on to Hollywood.

Day one in Seattle ended with Rudy Cardenas, 28, who gave a shout out to Randy’s old days in Journey, by singing a nice rendition of “Open Arms.” He moves on to Hollywood, and we move on to day two, with “Got to have Friends” playing in the background. We met two guys who are trying so hard to get that big break that they desperately desire and find friendship along the way: Kenneth Briggs and Jonathan Jayne, two guys who found friendship and nothing else. The American Idol panel of judges pulled no punches when it came to dismissing these two friends.

On a side note we actually felt sorry for Ryan Seacrest. It had to be hard being him in Seattle.

We need to keep our eyes on Anna Kearns, the six-foot-four- inch gal who belted out “RESPECT,” and Jordan Sparks, the 16-year-old who sang “Because you Loved Me” pretty decent and resembles Lisa Tucker from season five.

The last contestant of the evening, thankfully, from Seattle was Steven AKA “Red”. His unique rendition of “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen, led us to believe that the phrase “you are tone deaf” is something that could actually be a real problem out there. But his interesting quote, “Don’t sing it, just bring it” and the “Don’t Cha” medley by the contestants who were humiliated, crushed, and shamed by Simon and the other “judges” ended the show, finally, and we are all left to only wonder what Memphis will bring to the table next week.

We hope that you find our rambles about a show that is mindless and moronic, funny and somewhat entertaining. Please feel free to leave us your comments about season six of American Idol. Try to be nice. We are new to this, and this is only something fun for us to try out. So until next week, this is Becky and Bethany, and we’ve got to get back to work!

Technical difficulties

After three weeks of technical difficulties here at Tube Talk, Verizon has finally fixed the DSL problems. Yes, I’m bitter. I missed blogging about the Golden Globes, the mess going on behind-the-scenes at Grey’s Anatomy, and a plethora of other TV news and gossip. Instead of trying to catch you up on news that is now old, I’m just going to start fresh today. In the famous words of Joan Rivers, “Let’s talk!”

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My movie debut in We Are Marshall

From now on, I’ll only be communicating with you through my publicist. I expect to drink only Evian water chilled to a perfect 43 degrees, and I’ll be traveling by private plane. You see, I’m officially a movie star.

I made my big-screen debut Dec. 22 in We Are Marshall as a glorified extra. Before my mom gets too excited, let me clarify exactly what that means. Extras are known in some circles as “background” or “nobodies,” i.e. the folks hired to react to the big stars’ speeches and actions. But, I don’t mind being “background,” because I actually appear onscreen with Matthew McConaughey in two scenes in the film. And I earned a respectable $105 for my one day of work.

You’ll be happy to know I haven’t let my big debut go to my head. I’m just kidding about that publicist stuff. From what I see, famous people are just like us, except they do a few stints in rehab, don’t wear underwear, and spill their souls to Barbara Walters. Who needs that?

For those of you who’ve called, e-mailed, etc. asking where you can spot me in the film, I can be seen several times in the press conference scene wearing the now infamous blue dress. (In my small social circle, that blue dress has become just as popular a conversation piece as that other famous blue dress worn by Monica.)

I am most visible in the scene where Coach Lengyel (McConaughey) meets the press for the first time. I play a reporter in the press corps and am standing throughout the scene, always to the left of McConaughey. As the camera switches angles, I’m on the right side of the room and then on the left side of the room. I can be seen several times in the bright blue dress shaking my head in disapproval of Lengyel’s comments and wardrobe choices. You can also hear my female voice yelling, “Coach, coach over here,” as I try to get the coach’s attention. My appearance is brief, so look quick.

The other scene I appear in is the day of the Xaviar game, as fans are walking by the coach’s house. Lengyel (McConaughey) walks onto the sidewalk, picks up his little boy, and is amazed at the number of fans going to the game. As he holds his son, you’ll see a lady in a gold coat walk by. That’s not me. I’m actually the second woman in a gold coat to walk by. (I guess there are actually two of us dressed in WVU colors.) I am smiling and chatting to my friend Trina, who is in a pink plaid wool coat. It’s very quick, but McConaughey nods to our group as we go by. I don’t look like me in either scene, as I have very short, teased 1970 hair.

Those of you looking for some fun bloopers, I noticed a couple things the second time I watched the film. They didn’t “fix” all the blooming dogwood trees on Merrill Avenue. (It was spring when we filmed that scene in Huntington, and the director told us they would use computer technology to make the trees look like autumn trees. I guess they missed a few.) Also, when Matthew Fox is on the roof of his shed, a modern-day SUV drives down the highway in the background.

If you haven’t seen the movie, you still have time. It’s still playing in some theaters. Reviews have been mixed. Some critics loved it. (Roeper of Ebert and Roeper gave it a thumbs up.) Other critics weren’t as kind. I thought the film was excellent, and that’s coming from a gal who has no love for football. I saw the movie in Bridgeport, and the theater was packed. The crowd laughed, cried, and cheered. At the end, the crowd erupted into applause. I’ve been only to one other film where that happened: Apollo 13. So, go see it for yourself and make up your own mind. If nothing else, it’s a story that will inspire you to go on with your life, no matter how dour the circumstances.

Thanks to all of you for leaving phone messages and e-mails about the film. My publicist will get back with you soon.

The O.C. cancelled

All together now, “NOOO!!!”

FOX cancelled The O.C. this week, despite its creative resurgence this season. And I just have to say, “No!”

Not now. Not when the charming Taylor Townsend has stolen the heart of our chiseled hero Ryan. Not when Julie Cooper Nichol Roberts is running a prostitution ring. Not when Seth is on the verge of manhood.

But alas, FOX has spoken, and the Orange County gang is set to join Dawson, Joey, Pacey and Felicity, Ben and Noel as fondly remembered TV characters who defined our generation.

This is tough news for me, Tubers. This season of The O.C. has been top-notch, and frankly, the most enjoyable, since that spoiled, self-centered brat Marissa Cooper is pushing up daisies, instead of stealing screen time from the Cohens and my other faves.

If The O.C. would have been canned last year, when it turned into the Marissa Cooper Hour, I would have been leading the cheers of thanksgiving. But this season has been so spectacular it’s hard to let go. Sniff.

Join me in watching the final few episodes of this beloved show that gave us Chrismakkuh and made wife-beater tank tops cool again.

The O.C. airs on Thursday at 9 p.m. EST.

Back from hiatus

I’m back, Tubers, and in the infamous words of Nick Lachey, “You can have what’s left of me.” Frankly, it’s not much. It’s been quite a month.

Those of you who’ve been faithfully visiting my site hoping for some TV news, a funny eagle-eyed TV observation, or just a cheap laugh, I’m sorry I’ve been out of commission for the last few weeks. It’s been a busy and difficult month, filled with a funeral, New Year’s Eve from the hospital, a bout of the flu and some sort of stomach ailment that had me convinced I was stricken with E. coli.

Then, Verizon DSL decided that its network server doesn’t like my computer anymore, and I’ve had no Internet connection for 11 days. After endless days of talking to technical support “experts” in Indonesia, who aren’t fluent in English, I was ready to “marque el dos para Espanol” on the automated prompt for Spanish, with the hope that I would remember my few years of college Spanish and fare better communicating my problems in a foreign language. Sad. But true. I’m posting this now from my temporary work-around, known as the slow and ancient world of dial up. Pray for me.

I plan to dish the TV scoop with you during the next few days, as well as give my annual review of The Golden Globes.

A brand new season of Tube Talk starts now. So, set your bookmarks and check it out daily. I have some fun things planned for 2007, including contests, a more user-friendly site design, and a nice cash payoff for anyone who can get me John Krasinski’s digits.

I’ve missed you!

Copyright 2007 Tube Talk