by Jennifer Squires Biller
A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from the Sheriff of Neptune. (No, I wasn’t being threatened with traffic school again.)
Actor Michael Muhney, who plays Sheriff Lamb on Veronica Mars, saw a post I wrote about him joining the show as a regular and responded with this:
"Jennifer, you're such a sweetheart. Thanks. This email was passed on to me, and I passed it on to my publicist. She liked the article. Thanks again. I can't believe I start shooting season 3 next week. This summer has flown by! Hopefully, you’ll enjoy season 3 and hopefully our ratings are great!” xoxoxoxo michael muhney
Hugs and kisses from Michael Muhney. (**Blushing.**) Yep, I can die happy now. But the best part is, Michael has agreed to answer some of our most burning questions, during an upcoming interview here at Tube Talk. So, dig deep, Tubers, and send me ideas for anything you’ve ever wanted to know about Sheriff Lamb, Neptune or Michael. I promise to interrogate him in true Tube Talk fashion. (Handcuffs not required.)
 by Jennifer Squires Biller
Bob Newhart was almost killed.
Christopher Meloni rode a Segway on stage.
And Conan O’Brien proved he’s funnier than anyone thought.
That, folks, was just a highlight of some of the wackiness at this year’s Emmys. Here’s a rundown of the highs and lows:
Best acceptance speech: Writer Greg Garcia, creator of My Name is Earl, proved why he’s worthy of an Emmy. His speech was the most entertaining of the night, as he mentioned people who he didn’t want to thank, including an 8th-grade teacher who told him he wasn’t funny and a boss who made him scrape gum off a producer’s shoe while working as a P.A. on Step by Step. The balding Garcia even put God on the list, “you took my hair, and that's not cool, man. Not cool!"
Best skit: Conan’s opening sequence. He took a page from Billy Crystal’s Oscar hosting book with this sequence and dropped in to some of our favorite TV shows: Lost, 24, House, The Office, Dateline NBC and South Park. On the Lost island, O’Brien asked Hurley to go with him down the Hatch to the Emmys. Hurley responded with the best joke of the night: “We weren’t exactly invited,” Hurley said stoically. “But you won last year. Nothing makes sense anymore,” O’Brien replied, voicing the argument of TV fans everywhere. (Despite winning last year’s Emmy for best drama, Lost and its cast didn’t earn one nomination this year, under the new Emmy voting process.)
Strangest skit: In an effort to curtail the customary long-winded acceptance speeches at the Emmys, O’Brien informed the audience that this year there would be consequences for going over the allotted three-hour show time. TV-legend Bob Newhart was enclosed in a glass chamber with only three hours of air. Cut to a panicked Newhart on stage, sealed in the tank, clock ticking, trying desperately to escape. Later, Jon Stewart proudly announced he’d decided to kill Newhart with his lengthy acceptance speech.
Biggest no-show: Where was Alan Alda? The TV legend was named best supporting actor in a drama for his work on The West Wing, but wasn’t there to claim the prize. Was he ill? Or still upset over last year’s loss? Alda did a fantastic job as Arnold Vinick on The West Wing, and his fans were sorry to see him absent from the ceremony.
Worst skit: In yet another attempt to emphasize the importance of keeping speeches short, O’Brien explained that in the future winners could use a quick, new method for accepting awards: the Segway. Cut to Christopher Meloni riding across the stage on the motor-propelled device, rattling off an acceptance speech. (Just a thought, perhaps if they canned a couple of these silly skits, then all that time-crunching wouldn’t be necessary. I’m just saying.)
Moment that had me holding my breath: It wasn’t any of the rambling acceptance speeches that threatened to deprive poor Newhart of precious air. It was the tribute to Aaron Spelling, when the original Charlie’s Angels reunited onstage, that had me sweating. Anyone who saw Farrah Fawcett at the William Shatner Comedy Central Roast knows that Farrah and public speaking are a lethal combination these days.
Biggest shockers: Grey’s Anatomy lost to 24 for best drama, and Barry Manilow bested David Letterman, Stephen Colbert, Craig Ferguson and Hugh Jackman (The Tony Awards) to win the Emmy for best performance in a variety or music program. I think I speak for all of us when I say, “huh?”
Best banter: Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart for presenting the award for best reality program. Their shtick started with Stewart going into his opening line about reality programs, when Colbert burst in with “Good Evening Godless Sodomites.” As Stewart tried to progress with the canned dialogue about the greatness of reality shows, Colbert interrupted with “it warps the minds of our children and weakens the resolve of our allies.” (Go, Stephen!) The shtick got funnier from there, as Colbert reminded the audience that they were worshipping the giant, golden statue of Babylon (pointing to the Emmy.) When Stewart asked Colbert why he was so bitter, Colbert broke from the script and replied, “I lost to Barry Manilow. Wolverine I could have lost to. He's got claws for hands." Priceless.
Worst banter: Martin Sheen and Charlie Sheen with some awkward jokes about Martin needing a job on Charlie’s show now that The West Wing was finished.
Biggest snub: Denis Leary went home without an Emmy for best actor in a drama. Shame on Emmy voters for this travesty. Leary’s scenes where his son died were Oscar worthy. Besides, Kiefer Sutherland, who did win this year, should have won years ago for 24. I swear, it’s like the voters are light years behind the rest of the TV-viewing world.
Conan the Music Man: Thumbs up to O’Brien’s opening song and dance number, in which he took aim at NBC’s ratings woes. Set to the tune of Trouble from The Music Man, O’Brien sang and danced out this great line: “To prove things are going to Hell, we’re relying on Howie Mandel.” What? Like you weren’t thinking it?
Conan the “Barb”-arian: No one was safe from O’Brien’s barbs throughout the night, as he took aim at Hollywood’s most controversial stars with these zingers: "Even movie stars have TV shows: Alec Baldwin has a new show on NBC, James Woods has a new show on CBS, and Mel Gibson has a new show on Al-Jazeera." And in disuccusing CBS’ Two and a Half Men’s high ratings, O’Brien quipped, "There's something about Charlie Sheen raising an impressionable young kid that just feels right." Ouch.
No Scrubs Love: Once again, Scrubs failed to score an Emmy for best comedy. It’s almost become a joke of Susan Lucci proportions. Oh well, I sort of feel like we’re our own little cool club of Scrubs fans, and the rest of the world just hasn’t caught on to the magic yet. Sorry bastards.
Best use of camera angle: During Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ acceptance speech, she awkwardly paused, saying she knew she was forgetting someone and that it would come back to haunt her later. The camera cut to a close-up of her husband smiling in the audience. Still not catching on, Debra Messing whispered to her to remind her, saving a potential Emmy-driven divorce scandal.
Biggest understatement of the night: “It’s not supposed to work this way,” uttered Blythe Danner when picking up her prize for best supporting actress in a drama for Huff, from a stiff field of contenders including Chandra Wilson and Sandra Oh of Grey’s Anatomy, Jean Smart of 24, and Candice Bergen of Boston Legal. No kidding, Blythe. But kudos to Danner for her parting line of “I guess I have to thank Showtime even though they cancelled us.” Nice.
I’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate all the winners. And all the losers. More importantly, the losers, since many deserving folks weren’t even nominated
For a complete list of Emmy winners/losers, visit http://www.emmys.org/.
What did you think of the show, Tubers? Share your comments in the comments section.
Here’s the complete list of Emmy winners. Prepare to be shocked and awed.
VARIETY, MUSIC, OR COMEDY SERIES The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
MADE FOR TV MOVIE The Girl In the Café
ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The New Adventures of Old Christine
ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES Kiefer Sutherland, 24
by Jennifer Squires Biller
OK, so I haven’t exactly embraced Emmy coverage at Tube Talk this year. Don’t blame me. Blame the so-called TV fans, masquerading as Emmy voters, who churned out a list of nominees that includes Kevin James and Alfre Woodard, but not Hugh Laurie or Kristen Bell.
But with the Emmys less than a day away, it’s time to take a look at the nominees who deserve to win (and there are several good choices.) I’ve put aside my bitterness long enough to dish the Emmys with all of you who’ve e-mailed me asking my opinions in several categories. You’re welcome.
Let me start by saying that if Denis Leary (Rescue Me) does not score the win for Lead Actor in a Drama Series, no amount of Prozac will be able to pull me out of the hole of depression that will surely ensue. Leary’s performance is so off-the-charts fantastic, that I actually feel sorry for those of you who don’t watch this mesmerizing show. Leary makes viewers laugh, cry, empathize, sympathize and shake their heads in disgust and agreement all at the same time.
For Outstanding Drama Series, Grey’s Anatomy needs to claim the prize to reestablish any trust I had in Emmy voters. And that won’t be easy, considering Lost and Veronica Mars should be competing in this category, too, but sadly didn’t make the nominee list. OK, I’m not going there. Moving on…
For Outstanding Comedy Series, the brilliant medical satire Scrubs deserves the win. Last season was the best yet. The fact that Donald Faison wasn’t nominated is beyond inexplicable. But, it gives me hope that this under appreciated show may finally get the recognition it deserves to make up for the snub.
For Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama, Chandra Wilson of Grey’s Anatomy deserves to take home the gold. Period.
For Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, Jaime Pressly, of My Name is Earl, is my pick. Her Joy is Emmy-worthy in any scene.
For Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series, I think you all know my choice. Yep, Grey’s Anatomy hot bomb guy, also known as the fantastic Kyle Chandler is the standout. He owned those scenes in the haunting two-parter. Although, sadly, Emmy voters will more than likely vote for Michael J. Fox for his stint on Boston Legal.
Those are the categories for which I’m truly excited to see the winners announced. The rest of the race, well, not so much.
For those of you looking for “expert” opinions on who will win, you can check out the L.A. Times Envelope Web site that has posted odds from Emmy experts. Also, TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello has a humorous blog post on who he thinks will win, and who he wants to win. But be warned, he’s more bitter (disillusioned?) than I am.
I promise to put my acrimony aside and return to my perky self, in order to bring you an objective review of the Emmys on Sunday. So, check back for my thoughts on the show and the winners. (They're all winners just being nominated.) See, I'm feeling bubblier already.
Chloe fans, you don’t want to miss this fantastic interview with Smallville’s Allison Mack at TV Guide. It’s good stuff, Tubers. She discusses the wildly popular theory that she’ll turn out to be the real Lois Lane, and she gives us the 411 on why the new CW promos don’t include Chloe. Stupidity is my guess. (No, I’m not bitter.) Apparently, the network/show execs don’t venture online much, or they’d know Chloe is the most popular female character in Smallville and the subject of endless message boards and fan fictions. (Mack just snagged a Teen Choice Award for Best Sidekick, and several Kryptonsite awards, including Best Actress.) But I digress…
The TV Guide Web site touts an upcoming “Part II” to the interview that includes Mack’s thoughts on “the fallout from Chloe and Clark's season-finale kiss, what Clark did during his ‘summer vacation’ in the Phantom Zone, and who she thinks is cool."
They haven’t posted part II yet — those teases — but be sure to check back at the TV Guide site for the Chloe scoop. The CW may have left her out, but TV Guide obviously gets it.
Vote for Kristen Bell We all know Kristen Bell should have been an Emmy nominee and winner this year, but sadly she wasn’t. So to make up for the ridiculous snub by Emmy voters, go vote for her in the first-ever Media Village awards. We can all show Kristen some love and, hopefully, help her take home the award for Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series that she so richly deserves. If you don’t think Bell should score this honor, I defy you to watch this outstanding clip and not give this gal your vote.
by Jennifer Squires Biller
You heard it here first. Dean Cain will not be reprising his role as Montecito owner Casey Manning this season on Las Vegas.
In a recent chat, Cain said he won’t be back this fall. However, he did not rule out a return entirely. “Things change…I’ll keep you posted,” Cain told fans, during the chat. To read the entire chat transcript with Cain, click here.
OK, it’s up to you to help “things change,” Tubers. Please fire off an email to NBC and let them know you’d like Casey to stick around, and better yet, for Casey to get a decent storyline that makes sense with the show’s history. (Novel idea, I know.)
I know plenty of you love him on the show, as I get tons of traffic here from Google searches about his role on Las Vegas. My consistent pet peeve with Las Vegas is that major plot points/characters are dropped abruptly, and new story arcs are written with no regard for the past. (Hello, Sam and Casey. Hello, Nessa. Hello, Sam and the silver.) And it appears it may be happening again.
Cain was a perfect fit with the cast. He had chemistry with Ed, Danny, Delinda, Sam and even (gulp) Mary. He was absolutely the most entertaining hotel owner the show has ever had. The paintball episode where Casey forced the employees to attend and “work as a team” was one of the funniest of the series. There was plenty of story to be played out for Casey Manning, if the writers would have tapped into the Sam/Casey history. I have no idea how the show will handle his exit, or if it will just be ignored, and he’ll never be mentioned again. I guess we should just be grateful he won’t be blown off the roof.
I’m still hoping the Las Vegas show execs change their minds and keep Cain. Don’t they know that Superman is always a sure bet?
"Scrubs" musical Turk and the air band was just the beginning. An entire musical episode of Scrubs is headed our way this season, according to series creator Bill Lawrence. Can I get a Woo Hoo? Apparently, a patient with an aneurysm sees everything as a musical, thus setting the stage for the singing doctors and my complete bliss. TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello has all the details about the musical episode, from his chat with Lawrence. Enjoy.
Congrats to "Smallville’s" Allison Mack Regular readers know I’m a huge fan of Smallville’s Chloe. Her portrayer, the talented Allison Mack, won a Teen Choice Award for Best Sidekick. It’s about time someone gave her props for her endless devotion and expositions. (cough, cough, Clark Kent.) She also was voted Best Actress in the Kryptonsite Awards, and she and Clark won best couple. The awards at Kryptonsite include fun categories such as grossest scene, best line and best scene involving nudity. (Yes, Lois and that patriotic pole-dancing scene took that category.)
Casting tidbits Oliver Hudson, who you’ll remember from Dawson’s Creek as the guy Joey foolishly hooked up with after Pacey, has been tapped to play the male in the CBS mid-season comedy Rules of Engagement. In other news, Ally McBeal alum Jane Krakowski is joining NBC's 30 Rock, and Everwood’s Chris Pratt is joining The O.C., on Nov. 2, as an environmentalist who befriends Summer. I can already hear Seth and the tree-hugger jokes.(Source: TV Guide)
Joss Whedon was a "West Wing" Josh/Donna shipper Longtime Tube Talk readers know my love for all things Joss Whedon, brilliant writer and creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. He recently wrote a list of his favorite TV characters of all time. It’s a fun read, and I was shocked to learn that he shared my affection for Josh and Donna on The West Wing. Yep, it’s official. Whedon is now on my list of top 25 favorite TV people. (Thanks to GMMR for sharing the list.)
"Invasion" on DVD My favorite new drama of last season, Invasion, is now available on DVD. Extras include a gag reel, deleted scenes and featurette with Shaun Cassidy. Too bad there isn’t a special feature from ABC explaining why it renewed What About Brian instead of the brilliant Invasion. Nope, I'm not bitter.
"House" casting news David Morse is joining House for several episodes this season as a cop who apparently has a bigger ego than House. Morse’s character is named Michael Tritter, according to TV Guide. TV viewers will recognize Morse from his show Hack. Well, maybe not.
"Lois and Clark" DVD release Season 4 of the Dean Cain/Terri Hatcher show will be released on November 14, according to TV Shows on DVD. To see the details, click here.
FOX offers "Bones" on the Web FOX is apparently offering free TV on the web now. If you haven’t seen Bones, the excellent show starring David Boreanaz, I recommend you check it out here: http://streaming.myfoxal.com/index.html. The new season starts August 30 at 8 p.m. on FOX.
"My Name is Earl" – spoiler alert Burt Reynolds is guest starring in My Name is Earl this season as the owner of Earl and Randy's favorite strip club, according to TV Guide. In other spoilery scoop, Joy finally gets hers and is headed to the slammer. Earl, can you say prison break?
"The O.C." - spoiler alert Ryan apparently gets all fight club in an episode this year, and we get to finally meet Summer’s “step monster” according to spoilers from E!Online.
If Magazine landed a brief interview with one of Smallville’s newest cast members, Aaron Ashmore. He’s signed on to play Jimmy Olsen this season. Check out his comments about his new role, as well as his comments about playing Veronica Mars’ boyfriend Troy Vandergraff.
Kryptonsite has a great interview with Smallville’s other new cast member, Justin Hartley. He’s signed on to play the Green Arrow and a love interest for Lois. Lois must have a thing for superheroes. First Aquaman, now the Green Arrow and eventually Superman. Well, at least she has good taste.
Last season it was the Tailies and The Others. This season, it appears we’ll be seeing even more new faces on the Lost island. Hunky Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro will join the cast, according to TV Guide. (See photo.)
Related's Kiele Sanchez is also joining the cast (see photo below,) and it appears Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) will be a series regular this season, according to Kristin Veitch at E!.
 In other Lost news, the Lost Season 2 DVD will include a Sawyer feature that edits together “every single insult that Sawyer has ever made,” Lost exec Damon Lindelof told folks at Comic Con. “It's astonishing when you hear them all together really. It's hilarious,” said fellow exec Carlton Cuse. “You can sit at home and play with your friends and try to figure out who he's talking about,” Lindelof said.
Sounds like a good way to spend a Saturday night. You all know my love for Sawyer, and it seems like that little featurette will be worth the price of the DVD.
The new season of Lost premieres October 4.
FOX apparently liked Invasion too. At least it seems that way, considering the network has scooped up the show’s two main stars: Eddie Cibrian and William Fichter.
Cibrian, and his heavenly dimples, has joined the cast of Vanished as an F.B.I. agent, according to Zap2It.
I hadn’t planned on watching Vanished, due to my already hectic TV schedule, but with Josh Hopkins on board and now Cibrian, a girl can’t resist.
Fichter, as previously reported, will be chasing Wentworth Miller and his band of merry convicts on Prison Break this season.
Thank you FOX from Invasion fans everywhere!
Kudos to CBS for its decision to run several of its programs for free on its new ad-supported broadband channel innertube.
The network is offering CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, CSI: MIAMI, CSI: NY, JERICHO, NCIS, NUMB3RS And SURVIVOR the morning after their initial network broadcast, according to a CBS press release. The programs will be presented with limited commercial interruption.
The channel inntertube can be accessed through CBS.com.
Each episode of the three CSI series, NCIS and NUMB3RS will be available for free viewing on innertube for four weeks following the initial network broadcast. Episodes of JERICHO and SURVIVOR will be available on innertube all season long.
“When we launched innertube in May, CBS staked its claim as a leader in the digital evolution by being one of the first media companies to aggressively provide free, original programming online,” said Larry Kramer, President, CBS Digital Media. “Making our new and returning prime-time series available to our viewers is the next step in innertube’s programming evolution. It further helps us extend the reach of the CBS brand, provides a new avenue for advertisers to engage with our programming, which in turn creates a new source of revenue for our company.”
Innertube features a line-up of original series produced expressly for the Internet, as well as new shows that are companions to popular CBS brands. Current innertube offerings include the web-exclusive series InTurn, Animate This! and the five-day-a-week talk show House Calls, as well as entire episodes of CBS's popular prime-time series Big Brother: All-Stars.
If you’re still upset that ABC cancelled Invasion, the best drama of the year, you’re not alone. I’m not sure this well help, but cast member Tyler Labine, better known as Dave, recently talked to TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello and imparted some juicy scoop.
Labine spoke with series creator Shaun Cassidy about what would have happened during Season 2 of Invasion and shared the details with Ausiello:
"Shaun told me Larkin was going to [be presumed dead]. I was going to get all militant and shave my head, and Russell and I were going to join forces against Tom. Tom was going to find out that his first wife was actually alive, and she was running this whole military operation, and she was Szura's boss," Labine said.
Got chills? Yeah. Me, too. Dave and Russell taking on Tom, with the good doctor caught in the middle. Now that would have been appointment TV.
The good news is that Labine is invading one of my other favorite ABC shows this season, Boston Legal. I can’t wait to see him face off against Denny Crane and Alan Shore.
For William Fichter (Tom) fans, check out his debut in Prison Break in this promo.
The new season of Prison Break begins Monday, August 21 on FOX at 8 p.m. EST.
Thanks to The TV Addict for the video.
The new cast of Dancing With the Stars was announced Monday. Don’t get too excited yet. The list includes — (pausing to regain my composure) — Jerry Springer. No joke, Tubers.
Here’s the complete list of participants joining the talk-show host in some toe-tapping fun:
TUCKER CARLSON – ( MSNBC news anchor and political TV pundit/columnist) MONIQUE COLEMAN – (Actress, High School Musical) SARA EVANS – (Country music singer) WILLA FORD – (Pop singer) VIVICA A. FOX – (Actress, Kill Bill and Independence Day) HARRY HAMLIN – (Actor, L.A. Law and husband of Dancing With the Stars alumna Lisa Rinna) JOE LAWRENCE – (Actor, Blossom) MARIO LOPEZ – (Actor, Saved by the Bell) SHANNA MOAKLER – (Actress and reality television star) EMMITT SMITH – (NFL player)
I’m not sure what to make of this cast. With hotheaded Carlson and Springer on board, I’m concerned this year’s DWTS may turn into a shout-fest. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen. The fact that this show is civil is the reason I love it. Berating/fighting with contestants isn’t the norm, and if it evolves into that I’ll be tuning out.
The male contestants seem to be in for the toughest competition. We all know that Lopez can shake his booty, as he did regularly as AC Slater on Saved by the Bell. And Lawrence ain’t too shabby either, if you recall. (Remember that he did some dancing during his musical career.) And Rinna has said more than once that her hubby grew up dancing.
Dancing With the Stars premieres Wednesday, September 13 at 8 p.m. EST.
For more on this season’s show visit the ABC Web site.
Pepper Dennis fans, don’t despair. If you’re missing your weekly dose of the adorable Josh Hopkins, you won’t have long to wait. He’s been cast in the new FOX show Vanished, as well as the new ABC show Brothers & Sisters, starring Calista Flockhart and Sally Field. He’ll pull double duty this fall, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
In related news, Greg Berlanti, (of Everwood and Dawson’s Creek) just signed on as a show runner for Brothers & Sisters.
The first promo for We Are Marshall hit the Web recently and you can check it out here or at You Tube here.
The clip features interviews with stars Matthew Fox (Lost,) Matthew McConaughey (Failure to Launch) and others, as well as scenes from the film.
To all of you who have e-mailed asking about the release date, it has been pushed back until December 22, according to the film’s publicist. Insiders say that’s a good thing, as that date will put We Are Marshall in the Oscar-friendly season.
For more on We Are Marshall, check out my day on the set as an extra parts one and two , coverage of the press conference , and other related news.
(Thanks to my blogger hero Give Me My Remote for the heads up on the promo video.)
This week, the new CW Network is bringing your favorite prime-time stars to a mall near you. (If not near you, well than at least somewhere within driving distance.)
As part of its new advertising campaign, the CW stars from Veronica Mars, One Tree Hill and other shows will be visiting malls in cities across the U.S. to introduce the new network and help generate buzz, according to a press release from the CW.
Fans attending the event can meet the stars in the CW lounge, get autographs, and make their own customized t-shirts with the network slogan “Free to Be,” filling in the blank to express exactly what they’re “Free to Be.”
Each CW Lounge will be outfitted with laptops, where visitors can check out the cool Web site www.cwtv.com and join the CW Lab Online Community to connect with other fans. Also in the CW Lounge, plasma TVs will air footage from up-coming CW series.
Sounds like fun to me! I don’t see any Pittsburgh appearances yet, so I expect a full report from those of you who can attend. Here are the dates and locations and which stars will appear:
New York: Westfield Sunrise/ Massapequa, NY (August 12-13): James Lafferty (“One Tree Hill”) and Bethany Joy Galeotti (“One Tree Hill”) to appear on August 13.
San Diego: Westfield UTC: (August 12-13): Jason Dohring (“Veronica Mars”), Percy Daggs III (“Veronica Mars”) and Tia Mowry (“The Game”) to appear on August 13.
New Jersey: Westfield Garden State Plaza/ Paramus, NJ (August 18-19): Lee Norris (“One Tree Hill”) and Danneel Harris (“One Tree Hill”) to appear on August 19.
Los Angeles: Westfield Century City/ Los Angeles, CA (August 19-20): Hilarie Burton (“One Tree Hill”), Jason Dohring (“Veronica Mars”) and Matt Czuchry (“Gilmore Girls”) scheduled to appear on August 19.
Washington DC: Westfield Wheaton/ Wheaton, MD (August 26-27)*
Santa Ana, CA: Westfield Main Place, Santa Ana, CA (August 26-27)*
Los Angeles: The Grove (August 30)* – in conjunction with “The CW Presents: Summer at the Grove,” the five-week concert series, which concludes on this night with a free performance by multi-platinum recording artist Jewel.
St. Louis: Westfield Chesterfield, Chesterfield, MO (September 2-3)*
San Jose: Westfield Valley Fair (September 2-3)*
Chicago: Westfield Old Orchard/ Skokie, IL (September 9-10)*
Seattle: Westfield South Center (September 9-10)*
*CW talent attending these locations to be announced.
Additionally, The CW will have a massive, on-going advertising presence in 35 Westfield Malls, including the eleven malls that will feature The CW Lounge, beginning in August and running through The CW’s launch this September.
The CW will make its debut on Wednesday, Sept. 20, with the seventh cycle premiere of “America’s Next Top Model.”
Desperate Housewives John, the hunky lawn boy who took care of more than Gaby’s lawn, is headed back to Wisteria Lane this season, according to E!Online. Someone hide Carlos’ weapons. Pronto. Also slated to join the cast is Josh Henderson, formerly of Over There.
My Name is Earl Randy Hickey is about to become the envy of every man in America. Apparently, this season on My Name is Earl, he’ll be romancing the lovely Catalina, according to E!Online. Hmmm, maybe there is something to all of that karma stuff Earl continuously spouts.
Veronica Mars Logan Echolls apparently has a half brother. Logan’s new sibling will be played by Matt Czuchry, of Gilmore Girls, according to Michael Ausiello. The newest member of the Echolls clan will arrive Oct. 24 and be named Charlie Stone.
Comic Con My pal the TV Addict visited Comic Con in San Diego and cornered some of our favorite TV stars. Check out his coverage here.
Grey’s Anatomy video As if I didn’t have enough reason already to love the song Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. Check out this video that highlights some of the best Grey’s Anatomy scenes ever. (R.I.P. hot bomb guy.) Thanks to Give Me My Remote for posting the video link and for making it impossible to get this song out of my head for the last two days.
On Wednesday, CBS announced plans to launch 20 of its 22 prime-time series during the week of Sept. 18. The Network will jump start the season with early premieres of its Emmy Award-winning reality series SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS, which will debut Thursday, Sept. 14 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT), and THE AMAZING RACE 10, which will open with a special 90-minute broadcast on Sunday, Sept. 17 (8:30-10:00 PM, ET/PT).
CBS's scripted programs begin on Monday, Sept. 18, the first official day of the 2006-2007 season.
CBS's 2006-2007 Premiere Dates
Thursday, Sept. 14 8:00-9:00 PM SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS (Premiere)
Sunday, Sept. 17 8:30-10:00 PM THE AMAZING RACE 10 (Premiere)
Monday, Sept. 18 8:00-8:30 PM THE CLASS (Series Premiere) 8:30-9:00 PM HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER (2nd Season Premiere) 9:00-9:30 PM TWO AND A HALF MEN (4th Season Premiere) 9:30-10:00 PM THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE (2nd Season Premiere) 10:00-11:00 PM CSI: MIAMI (5th Season Premiere)
Tuesday, Sept. 19 8:00-9:00 PM NCIS (4th Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00 PM THE UNIT (2nd Season Premiere) 10:00-11:00 PM SMITH (Series Premiere)
Wednesday, Sept. 20 8:00-9:00 PM JERICHO (Series Premiere) 9:00-10:00 PM CRIMINAL MINDS (2nd Season Premiere) 10:00-11:00 PM CSI: NY (3rd Season Premiere)
Thursday, Sept. 21 9:00-10:00 PM CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION (7th Season Premiere) 10:00-11:00 PM SHARK (Series Premiere)
Friday, Sept. 22 8:00-9:00 PM GHOST WHISPERER (2nd Season Premiere) 9:00-10:00 PM CLOSE TO HOME (2nd Season Premiere) 10:00-11:00 PM NUMB3RS (3rd Season Premiere)
Saturday, Sept. 23 8:00-9:00 PM CRIMETIME SATURDAY 9:00-10:00 PM CRIMETIME SATURDAY 10:00-11:00 PM 48 HOURS MYSTERY (Season Premiere)
Sunday, Sept. 24 7:00-8:00 PM 60 MINUTES (39th Season Premiere) 8:00-9:00 PM THE AMAZING RACE 10 (Time Period Premiere) 9:00-10:00 PM COLD CASE (4th Season Premiere) 10:00-11:00 PM WITHOUT A TRACE (5th Season Premiere)
Here’s the information you’ve all been waiting for. Well, most of you anyway, based on the flood of e-mails I’ve received. Lost doesn’t return until October 4, Tubers, so be patient. The Grey’s Anatomy drought ends on September 21. And my last summer’s guilty pleasure, Dancing with the Stars, hits the airwaves on September 12. Here’s the complete list of return dates. Take note of the new show Ugly Betty that looks hilarious.
20/20 on Sept. 8 Dancing with the Stars returns Sept. 12 and 13 Wife Swap premieres Sept. 18 Grey's Anatomy and the new show Six Degrees on Sept. 21 New shows Ugly Betty and Men in Trees on Sept. 22 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Desperate Housewives and the new show Brothers & Sisters on Sept. 24 Boston Legal and the new show Help Me Help You on Sept. 26 The Bachelor: Rome on Oct. 2 Lost and the new show The Nine on Oct. 4 New shows Big Day and Notes from the Underbelly on Oct. 5 What About Brian on Oct. 9 The new show The Knights of Prosperity on Oct. 17. New show Day Break is expected to take over for Lost on Nov. 15 for 13 weeks.
FOX released the premiere dates for its fall schedule. The most important news here is that we won’t get to see Seth, Summer, Ryan and the rest of The O.C. gang, sans Marissa, until November 2.
To comfort us, FOX is bringing back my beloved David Boreanaz and the Bones crew on August 30 and the Prison Break guys on August 21.
I feel better already. Here’s the full premiere schedule.
Prison Break and the new show Vanished on Aug. 21 The new reality series Duets on Aug. 29 Bones and the new show Justice on Aug. 30 House and the new show Standoff on Sept. 5 New comedies 'Til Death and Happy Hour on Sept 7 Nanny 911 on Sept. 8 Cops and America's Most Wanted on Sept. 9 The War at Home on Sept. 10 MADtv on Sept. 16. The O.C. on Nov. 2
NBC released the premiere dates for its fall schedule. Take note of the new shows Studio Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip on September 18, Heroes on September 25 and Friday Night Lights, starring the yummy Kyle Chandler, on October 3. Here’s the complete list of premiere dates:
Deal or No Deal and the new shows Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip on Sept. 18 Law & Order: Criminal Intent and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit on Sept. 19 The Biggest Loser and Kidnapped on Sept. 20 My Name Is Earl, The Office and ER on Sept. 21 Law & Order on Sept. 22 Heroes on Sept. 25 Friday Night Lights on Oct. 3 Twenty Good Years on Oct. 4 30 Rock on Oct. 11 Las Vegas and Crossing Jordan on Oct. 20.
The Television Critics Association recently named the winners of its 2006 awards. Here are the lucky recipients:
PROGRAM OF THE YEAR: “Grey’s Anatomy” (ABC)
The 22nd annual TCA Awards were held at The Ritz Carlton Huntington Hotel in Pasadena, Calif. Founded in 1978, the Television Critics Association is composed of more than 200 reporters and columnists in print media from the United States and Canada.