by Jennifer Squires Biller
If you caught the first two episodes of Nip/Tuck you may have thought you were watching Aliens in America meet Grey’s Anatomy. You weren’t. But you were seeing one of TV’s finest comedy actors in his new role.
Aliens in America alumnus, Adhir Kalyan, who played the adorable Raja on the CW comedy has joined Nip/Tuck as a young genius plastic surgeon. Humorously, his character’s name is Dr. Raj. Clearly, the Nip/Tuck folks loved Raja as much as I did and gave him the moniker of “Raj” in honor of his Aliens character.
Nip/Tuck gets the award for best casting coup this season. Kalyan is always spectacular, and he didn’t disappoint in his first two episodes.
However, please Nip/Tuck writers, do not ever force me to watch another sexual scene starring Kalyan again. He’s my little Raja, not Christian Troy! Raj shouldn’t be having sex, especially the kind of depraved shenanigans he was part of last week. Leave the butt bearing to Sean and Christian, please.
And welcome “Raj” to Nip/Tuck. I hope you are a good influence and a role model for the boys. Lord knows they could use one.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Welcome “Raj” to Nip/Tuck
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, January 29, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Nip/Tuck, Tube Talk Girl
George Clooney returning to ER
by Jennifer Squires Biller
You win, NBC. You win.
For the past eight years since Dr. Doug Ross left ER, I’ve managed to avoid the show. Even when NBC ran those annoying ads declaring an episode “the most shocking ER ever,” I stood firm. Even when Shane West put on a pair of scrubs and joined the cast, I refused to get sucked into the drama again.
But now, NBC has managed to convince George Clooney to reprise his role as Dr. Ross for an appearance in the final season. So, you can bet your bedpan that I’ll be tuning in.
Clooney will reunite with actress Julianna Margulies, who played his on-screen lover Carol Hathaway, according to Entertainment Tonight. Doug and Carol back together again? I’m in.
And if that’s not enough to entice you, rumor has it that Susan Sarandon joined Clooney for his episode.
NBC is being quite crafty in releasing information about Clooney’s return. I’m guessing the network doesn’t want to tell us specifically when his episode will air, so we’ll tune in for more than just the finale.
So, yes, NBC score one for you. You’ve managed to get this viewer that hasn’t watched ER in almost a decade to check out the show.
The series finale of ER is scheduled to air on April 2, preceded by a one-hour retrospective.
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, January 29, 2009 0 comments
Labels: George Clooney, News, Tube Talk Girl
Friday, January 23, 2009
Commentary with a Co-Ed: Did Lost sizzle or fizzle?
by Ashley Gouveia
Lost is back!
Is it too early to say better than ever?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I actually had to watch the hour recap show. It’s been way too long since the Losties were on my tube, and I needed a little refresher. It also got me pumped for the season five premiere. Is Locke really dead? What happened to Sawyer and the rest of the gang back on the island? Did Jack finally shave off that awful beard?
Thankfully, he did do just that. But not before Ben convinced him that he had to get all of the Oceanic Six and a dead Locke back to the island. Apparently, Locke had gone to the mainland and told Jack that terrible things happened after they left. Then we got a series of flashbacks in which we saw just exactly what those “terrible” things were.
I don’t claim to be an expert on the time space continuum, but I was surprisingly keeping up with Daniel’s synopsis on what was going on. It wasn’t exactly just the island that was moving but its people were also moving through time. Sawyer, Juliet and the others went into the past and future. They even went to the point where Ethan Rayne was still alive and kicking. Crazy, right? I loved that we got to see the island and what happened after Jack and company left.
Back in the future, Jack tried to rally up the troops. That task turned out to be a lot more difficult what with Hurley being chased by the cops, Ana Lucia’s ghost not included. I was not expecting to see her back; that was a nice little twist. The little bit that we saw of Desmond was great. I loved that Daniel got him to open up the hatch and told him to go to Oxford where they first met. Then Desmond woke up three years later and believed it was a memory.
Can I say that Sun is scaring me? She was completely creepy during her meeting with Kate. One minute she was serious and the next she was drained of all emotion. She is out for revenge, and I don’t think anyone should stand in her way. I was not expecting Hurley to turn himself into the cops to escape Ben. After all, he was the one who was always saying they never should have left the island. I thought he would have been the first one in that line.
What did you all think of the Lost premiere? Are they all going to go back no matter what? What exactly happened to Sawyer and Juliet that caused Locke to leave the island to get the Oceanic Six back? Let me know your theories in the comments.
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Friday.
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, January 23, 2009 1 comments
Labels: Commentary With a Co-Ed, Lost
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Veronica Mars movie in the works
Yes, Tube Talk readers, there is a Santa Claus.
I asked Jolly ol’ St. Nick to give us Veronica Mars fans a movie on the big screen. And according to Mars' creator Rob Thomas, he’s working on the script and star Kristen Bell is on board, too.
Thank you, Santa. (And Rob Thomas, too!)
I know it’s a long way from completion at this point and Thomas probably still has to find money and a studio for the project, but I’m not worried. Studio executives, if you’re reading this, please invest in this film. You need to FINALLY make some smart, funny, entertaining movies with female leads that don’t resort to bathroom humor, sex jokes or boring melodrama.
Veronica Mars is intelligent, suave, funny, and a hero for today’s woman. She’s James Bond without all the car chases, gadgets and violence. And I have faith that Thomas will write a compelling script with all of Veronica’s trademark quirks.
Bell is a movie star. Yes, she started on the small screen, but let’s hope her Veronica will soon be at a Cineplex near you!
Posted by tube talk girl at Thursday, January 22, 2009 0 comments
Labels: News, Rob Thomas, Veronica Mars
Friday, January 16, 2009
Lipstick Jungle NOT canceled
It’s a jungle out there in the world of television production.
Lipstick Jungle is not canceled, not yet anyway.
For months now those in the know have said that Lipstick Jungle was all but dead, since NBC failed to give it a renewal notice.
The rumors were greatly exaggerated, or so say the brass at NBC.
"We officially have not canceled Lipstick Jungle," said Angela Bromstad, the president of NBC Universal's production studio.
OK! Can I get a woo hoo?
I’ve enjoyed the show so much this year. I’m dying to find out what happens with Kirby and Nico and her new boss and Joe and Victory and well… you get the point.
While Bromstad said the show isn’t canceled, it hasn’t exactly been given the go ahead for next year either, usually the sign that a show will live. But Bromstad wants to have the option to use it in the fall, it seems.
Well, I hope someone tells poor Robert Buckley, who had already landed a new gig on Privileged.
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, January 16, 2009 6 comments
Labels: Lipstick Jungle, Robert Buckley
Commentary with a Co-Ed: Clark Kent vs. Brainiac
by Ashley Gouveia
Smallville’s first new episode of the New Year aired last night, and even before it started, I was excited. My excitement was not only about the members of the Legion coming back from the 31st century to help the pre-Superman. It was also for the chance to see Chloe/Brainiac wreak havoc in Metropolis. For those of us who have been watching this season, this has been a long time coming.
The episode basically started right where it left off with the repercussions of the “wedding of my nightmares” a.k.a. Jimmy and Chloe’s nuptials. The Persuader, a villain from the 31st century, traveled through time to kill Clark and to prevent the destruction of Brainiac. The members of the Legion sent his butt back pretty quickly.
I loved all the references that Legion made about how history told them about Kal-El’s life. Garth, also known as Lightning Lad, was such a fan of Superman that he was giddy with all of the “artifacts” he was finding around Clark’s barn. I loved that he was such a fan boy. It was like he was meeting his idol.
“Who’s Chloe Sullivan?” What!! That line was crazy. Clearly, the people from the future don’t have any idea who Chloe is and how she has affected Clark’s life. Even if she died wouldn’t there be some record of her? I loved that scene when Rokk was naming all the people in Supes history; Lane, Lang, even Olsen, but no Chloe (or Lex?). Garth made the suggestion that maybe Chloe’s not in history because she dies due to Brainiac. Well, Clark wasn’t hearing any of that. “Chloe Sullivan doesn’t die! Hear me?” I hear you Clark, loud and clear!
The Clark vs. Brainiac/Chloe showdown was everything I had hoped for. Allison Mack’s performance was amazing. She channeled James Marsters perfectly. The “Go on. Kill me” line was chilling and expertly delivered. I thought it was interesting that Brainiac chose Chloe to inhabit out of everyone, because he knew that Clark would never be able to hurt her. He was adamant that they had to find another way besides killing Chloe to destroy Brainiac.
Does anybody else think they know what Lana’s “destiny” is? I’m glad that this episode pointed out that Lana will accomplish more than just being Clark’s love interest. Interesting, but I really haven’t seen anything so far to support that. Maybe it has to do with the real reason she left town. I guess we’ll have to wait and see with that, since Ms. Lang is sticking around for a little bit.
I still feel bad for Davis. I don’t think that’s going to change since Sam Witwer has totally won me over. Can I get a woo-hoo for Chloe getting her memories back? One episode of Chloe not knowing was more than enough for me.
This was a great episode written by comic book writer Geoff Johns. All the little winks and nudges to the comic fans were immensely appreciated. I would say it was my favorite episode of this season.
What did you all think? Did “Legion” live up to your expectations?
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Friday.
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, January 16, 2009 2 comments
Labels: Allison Mack, Commentary With a Co-Ed, Smallville, Tom Welling
Monday, January 12, 2009
Golden Globe Winners 2009
—Actress, Drama: Anna Paquin, "True Blood"
—Actor, Drama: Gabriel Byrne, "In Treatment"
—Series, Musical or Comedy: "30 Rock"
—Series, Drama: "Mad Men"
—Actress, Musical or Comedy: Tina Fey, "30 Rock"
—Actor, Musical or Comedy: Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
—Miniseries or Movie: "John Adams"
—Actress, Miniseries or Movie: Laura Linney, "John Adams"
—Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Paul Giamatti, "John Adams"
—Supporting Actress, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Laura Dern, "Recount"
—Supporting Actor, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Tom Wilkinson, "John Adams"
—Picture, Drama: "Slumdog Millionaire"
—Actress, Drama: Kate Winslet, "Revolutionary Road"
—Actor, Drama: Mickey Rourke, "The Wrestler"
—Picture, Musical or Comedy: "Vicky Cristina Barcelona"
—Actress, Musical or Comedy: Sally Hawkins, "Happy-Go-Lucky"
—Actor, Musical or Comedy: Colin Farrell, "In Bruges"
—Supporting Actress: Kate Winslet, "The Reader"
—Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger, "The Dark Knight"
—Director: Danny Boyle, "Slumdog Millionaire"
—Screenplay: Simon Beaufoy, "Slumdog Millionaire"
—Foreign Language: "Waltz With Bashir," Israel
—Animated Film: "Wall-E"
—Original Score: A.R. Rahman, "Slumdog Millionaire"
—Original Song: "The Wrestler" (performed by Bruce Springsteen, written by Bruce Springsteen), "The Wrestler"
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, January 12, 2009 1 comments
Labels: Award Shows, News
Blogger Link Time
Here's a look at what the Web's best TV bloggers are talking about this week in the TV Blog Coalition, of which Tube Talk Girl is a proud member.
Remember the awesomeness of Sports Night? GMMR's Take 5 looks back at the five best episodes of this fantastic show. (Give Me My Remote)
After watching Confessions of a Teen Idol, a part of Scooter's soul died. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
Vance put Friday Night Lights at the top of his Best of Television for 2008 list! (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace offered advance reviews of the first two episodes of Season Five of Lost (and nearly passed out from excitement) and the first four episodes of The United States of Tara, as well as reviews of the Gavin & Stacey and Doctor Who Christmas specials. (Televisionary)
Ed Westwick's eyebrows? Heidi Klum's legs? Vote on which TV body part gave the best peformance in 2008! (TiFaux)
The TV Addict previewed the new season of 24 with none other than Jack Bauer himself, Kiefer Sutherland (The TV Addict)
Jennifer celebrated the return of Scrubs, but didn’t realize she’d require a box of Kleenex. (Tube Talk)
Raoul was shocked --shocked!-- that True Beauty sucked. (TV Filter)
Heather went searching for Easter eggs at Ajira Airlines (TV Spy)
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, January 12, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Josh Duhamel and Fergie tie the knot
Sorry, ladies, Josh Duhamel is off the market.
I know. It hurts a little, despite the fact that you had no chance of ever landing him. But it was nice to dream that someday he could come along and be your Tad Hamilton, right?
Duhamel and pop singer Fergie were married Saturday in Malibu in what can only be described as a fairytale wedding featuring thousands of white roses. The ceremony took place in Malibu at Church Estates Vineyards, according to People magazine. I’ve seen photos of the site and it looks like something out of a Monet painting, complete with ponds, swans, a French chateau, magnolia trees and stunning gardens.
Fergie wore a white Dolce and Gabbana gown. Her 10 bridesmaids wore black, according to People.
Fans of Las Vegas, you’ll be happy to know that Duhamel’s costars, James Caan, Vanessa Marcil, and Molly Sims, were in attendance. I’m not sure about James Lesure. The People article didn’t mention him.
Also, there was no mention of Duhamel’s former All My Children stars and pals Rebecca Budig and Cameron Mathison, so I’m curious to know whether they made the trip to California for the celebration. (Call me silly, but I like to think that all my favorite onscreen characters are still friends off screen.)
Plenty of other celebrities attended the ceremony, including Fergie’s friend Mario Lopez, Jerry O’Connell and Rebecca Romijin, Kate Hudson, Kid Rock, and Fergie’s band mates from the Black Eyed Peas.
The couple has dated for several years. This is the first marriage for both.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Duhamel. We wish you all the best!
Posted by tube talk girl at Saturday, January 10, 2009 1 comments
Labels: Josh Duhamel, Las Vegas, News
Friday, January 09, 2009
Commentary with a Co-Ed: 'One Tree Hill' Thoughts
by Ashley Gouveia
Happy 2009, Tube Talk readers!
A new year means all new episodes of our favorite television shows. Starting this week was One Tree Hill. First of all, can I say that I love that the show is back so soon? Usually, it seems like forever until they come back, but One Tree Hill actually surprised me. Thank goodness for my season pass on TiVo, or I would have missed it.
We ended last year with some good old-fashioned cliffhangers. Does Peyton have cancer? What happened to Sam? Will Owen and Millie actually do the deed? Well, we pretty much got all those answers in the first ten minutes of the episode. Peyton does not have cancer; she’s actually pregnant. The writers didn’t trick me for one minute. I knew that was where they were heading with this story even before she called Lucas her “baby daddy.” Were any of you shocked by the news?
As for Sam, she got into a car with Jack Daniels (not the drink) and his creepy brother. He turned out to be the same guy who attacked Brooke and killed Quentin. Tree Hill really is a small town. While I applaud Brooke for being brave enough to stand up to her attacker, I did wonder why she didn’t call the police for backup. I know it’s a drama and there has to be the build up of suspense but, I can’t help but wonder these things.
I think Sophia Bush deserves a standing ovation. She pulled off an amazing performance in those last scenes. I actually got a little teary-eyed when she dropped the gun and hugged Sam. Did I feel like the whole “Mom” comment from Sam was a little too over the top? Yes. But I just took it for what it was and enjoyed it.
It was also revealed that Millie did sleep with Owen. We didn’t even get to see them kiss or anything. Why? We just saw Millie crying in the store, and Owen boozing it up at Tric. It looks like he definitely fell off the wagon again. Who better to help him out then Stephen Coletti, I mean Chase. Yep, Chase returned and I have to say pretty randomly. I know it was a way to get Owen off the show, but why bring Chase back? Is it for a possible Mia/Chase hookup? Come on, they didn’t put that scene with them at the bar just for giggles.
I have to confess that I am enjoying the Julian character. For someone who hated Felix, Anna, and the rest of the newbies on this show, I have to say he’s intriguing and it shocked me too. I really like his interactions with Brooke and he’s funny too. The “cool mom” comment made me laugh during an episode that was particularly heavy on the drama.
What did you all think of One Tree Hill’s first episode of the New Year? Sound off in the comments.
Commentary with a Co-Ed is a weekly column at Tube Talk new every Friday.
Posted by tube talk girl at Friday, January 09, 2009 3 comments
Labels: Commentary With a Co-Ed, One Tree Hill
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Welcome back Scrubs heavy
At 10 p.m. Tuesday night, I was sobbing like a baby. My eyes were swollen, tissues were littering my floor, and my nose looked like Rudolph.
Thank you Bill Lawrence. (Scrubs’ head honcho.)
The Scrubs debut on ABC was not what I expected. Oh sure, it had the trademark silly scenes we’ve all come to expect, the inside jokes about the Janitor’s name and Ted’s ongoing depression, a fun little musical ditty between Turk and JD, and JD’s fun sexual fantasies. But these Scrubs episodes had a serious tone that we haven’t seen from the show in quite sometime.
JD and Turk sat with a scared patient who was dying, discussing their own fears about the subject and granting his last wish, a can of cold beer. It was sobering. The dialogue - not the cold beer. Beautifully written and perfectly executed, it made me ponder my own feelings about death, and what the end may be like, heavy stuff from a show that uses a stuffed dog as one of its many ongoing jokes.
Courteney Cox Arquette was fabulous in her new role as chief of medicine. JD seemed more mature. (Thank you Bill! It’s about time.) And we even got a scene with Dr. Kelso, who apparently now likes to spend his time eavesdropping on hospital gossip at the coffee shop.
I don’t expect this comedy to suddenly lose its “fun factor” but it’s clear from these first two shows that Lawrence and his crew have a different plan for this year’s show. It’s more mature, a little more sentimental, but still as entertaining as ever. I hadn’t cried during a Scrubs episode since the Brendan Fraser arc. Well done, Scrubbies! I look forward to a great season.
Posted by tube talk girl at Wednesday, January 07, 2009 5 comments
Labels: Bill Lawrence, News, Scrubs, Tube Talk Girl
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
This week’s TV: Scrubs and Nip/Tuck return and other shows to watch
It’s winter season premiere week and the TV goodies just keep coming. It seems most of them are scheduled for Tuesday night, so those of you without a DVR, you have my sympathy.
Tonight, one of television’s best comedies returns, but this time it’s airing on a network that actually seems to care about the show. At least it's getting plenty of promotion for the first time ever. Yes, I’m talking about Scrubs. (Oh, how I've missed you!) It moves to ABC and premieres at 9 p.m. ET, with Courteney Cox Arquette joining the cast. Please tune in and watch. Call me petty, but I'd like NBC to have serious ratings envy. (Yes, I'm still bitter about the shabby treatment Scrubs and Las Vegas received at the hands of NBC.)
For those of you anxiously awaiting the return of Nip/Tuck to see how Sean and Christian survived crazy teddy-bear lady’s attacks, the wait is over. The show premieres at 10 p.m. ET tonight on FX. I’ve seen the screener, but I don’t want to spoil you. So, tune in and check it out for yourself.
Also tonight, Privileged is back with a new episode on the CW at 9 p.m . (Yay!) I’ve seen the show and let’s just say that Megan has her hands full with her mother, sister, and a romantic plot from Rose, in which she tries to get Sage and Luis together.
If that isn’t enough for you TV junkies, then don’t despair. One of my favorite new shows, The Mentalist, is back at 9 p.m. ET on CBS with a new episode. Patrick tries to find the killer who murdered his family.
See what I mean about Tuesday? It’s crazy.
As for the rest of the week, it’s not any lighter. On Thursday, 30 Rock, My Name is Earl on NBC, while Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice and Ugly Betty all debut new episodes on ABC. Then on Friday, Psych and Monk return on USA.
Finally, adrenaline junkies, your show, 24, is back on Sunday on FOX. Get ready for a change of scenery though, as the first hour takes place in Washington D.C.
And if you enjoy awards shows, don’t miss The Golden Globe Awards at 8 p.m. ET on NBC this Sunday. Here’s the list of nominees, for those of you who missed it the first time.
For a complete list of winter premiere dates, click here.
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, January 06, 2009 2 comments
Labels: Award Shows, Dirty Sexy Money, Grey's Anatomy, My Name is Earl, News, Nip/Tuck, Private Practice, Psych, Scrubs, Ugly Betty
Dancing With the Stars’ costars engaged
Congratulations to Dancing With the Stars co-stars Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Karina Smirnoff, who are engaged to be married.
Maks apparently popped the question on New Year’s Eve, presenting Karina with a gorgeous Harry Winston number. Both are Ukraine natives, who have known one another for 15 years.
I have to say I didn’t see this one coming. I wasn’t aware the two were even dating, although perhaps I should have known, after watching their sexy dance last season. Seriously, I wanted a cigarette after that dance, and I don’t even smoke.
Smirnoff was involved with former Dancing partner and TV star Mario Lopez just six months ago, but their two-year relationship ended.
I’m anxious to see if the engagement is mentioned when the show gets back on the air March 9. Hopefully, we’ll get to see the two of them dance together again.
The show already has had two married couples in the cast: Edyta Sliwinska and Alec Mazo and Jonathan Roberts and Anna Trebunskaya.
Congrats Maks and Karina!
Posted by tube talk girl at Tuesday, January 06, 2009 2 comments
Labels: Dancing With the Stars, News
Monday, January 05, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I know 2008 was a little slow here at Tube Talk, compared to previous years, a problem I hope to remedy in 2009. As you know, I had a parasite. Well, OK, it felt like a parasite, with all the vomiting, migraines, etc. But our blessed little bundle is now out in the world and doing well,

Thanks to all of you for your continued support, especially those that tune in to hear me each week on the Jack Logar Morning Show on Magic 106.5. I’ll have some good scoop on Tuesday’s show, so be sure not to miss it.
January means not only new resolutions, but also a new crop of TV shows. Back this week are Nip/Tuck, Scrubs, Monk, Psych, Gossip Girl, Privileged, One Tree Hill, and 24. Can I get a “woo hoo?” Not to mention, Lost, American Idol and several new shows are right around the corner.
Welcome back, old friends! Stay tuned to Tube Talk for some fun stories, return dates and sneak peeks of your favorite shows, and the latest TV news.
Here’s to 2009! May your new year be blessed, or at least better than an episode of Knight Rider.
Posted by tube talk girl at Monday, January 05, 2009 8 comments
Labels: American Idol, Gossip Girl, Lost, Monk, News, Nip/Tuck, One Tree Hill, Privileged, Psych, Scrubs, Tube Talk Girl