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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Is Big Shots finished?

The new ABC show Big Shots, starring Dylan McDermott, has wrapped production due to the strike, but a trade blog is reporting that the show won’t be returning after the strike.

Deadline Hollywood reported earlier this week that those associated with the show were told they would not be coming back after the strike.

If this is true - and I say “if” until I see something officially confirmed - then what are your thoughts? Would you be glad to see it go? Was Big Shots a big letdown, or do you love the show?

I was one of the few TV critics who actually liked it. McDermott, Michael Vartan, Nia Long and Peyton List are enormously entertaining and the writing was getting better each week.


Anonymous said...

I like it too. I hope this isn't true. Dylan is so good and I love his relationship with his daughter.

Anonymous said...

eh...it's an OK show, but it's not something that is appointment tv for me

Anonymous said...

I love this show. I thought the ratings were pretty decent???

Anonymous said...

I disagree with you TTG. Big Shots was a big waste of time. I've seen better writing on the Bionic Woman and that show is horrendous.

SG39 said...

Vartan's involvement is what got me interested in "Big Shots". I do agree, each week the stories have gotten better. This past week really seemed to have a good flow and tone.

Yes, the show had kinks to work out in the beginning. But, I don't think it was ever as bad as some critics made it seem and I think Rob Thomas' involvement has made a tremendous difference, for the better.

I'm really loving the show (as is my husband) and think ABC should support it!

Anonymous said...

Big Shots is a guilty pleasure. The guys have great chemistry and the writing has really improved over the last few episodes. If ABC would actually advertise the show I think it would be doing a lot better .

The show is a fun way to spend and hour and hell, I'd watch Vartan read a phone book so Thursday nights it's a don't miss for me.

Anonymous said...

From what I have seen Big Shots has the making of a great show. Michael Vartan is brilliant and the reason why I will watch it. He and Nia have the best chemistry and it is a sheer delight to watch the two banter. I really hope the show is given a chance. The writing is getting better so give it a chance.

Anonymous said...

I'm really beginning to like Big Shots. The tone is changing to a more serious nature which is a good thing in my opinion. Of course, Michael Vartan is the icing on the cake for me. Love him!

Anonymous said...

I started watching Big Shots for the great cast, primarily Michael Vartan, and thought that the first two or three episodes were okay, but were a little too heavy and over-the-top on the "comedy," and it didn't seem to know what kind of show it was supposed to be. Since Rob Thomas started writing for the show, the storylines have gotten so much better and the characters and their relationships are more well-defined.

I really like this show, and think it has great potential. I'm hoping it sticks around. If it does, I'm also hoping that ABC will actually promote the show - I don't think I've seen a promo for Big Shots in the past two weeks.

Anonymous said...

The show is much more entertaining than most of the ABC stuff. It has a unique premise, terrific actors and actresses and the writing is getting better and better. If ABC wants to get rid of something, I say give the boot to Dirty, Sexy Money or Pushing Daisies.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was terrible and hard to watch. It was written as if they thought women watching would want men to act this way. Insulting. Vartan got me interested, but he doesn't have the greatest range and if it's not written well he doesn't have a chance.

Anonymous said...

I started watching the show for Vartan, and agree with Caryn, I'd watch him read pretty much anything if it meant I could watch him! The show has continually gotten better, and ABC has done a horrible job with promoting it. They screwed themselves with this show, they could have had a slam dunk with the cast and the (new) writer in Rob Thomas, but they decided to go a different way.

Anonymous said...

ABC doesn´t care about our sentiments, they care about ratings and money. The show "Big Shots" is not cheap to make and the ratings are bad. TV is business and if a show isn´t profitable they cancel it.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I hope they don't cancel Big Shots. I'm watching for Michael Vartan also, but I also enjoy Dylan and Titus. Josh Malina is a good actor but suffered the most because of the writing for his character. Paige Turco and Nia Long were also great. The show has a good premise but suffered from writing problems in the beginning. The writing has improved dramatically since Rob Thomas signed on. I hope ABC gives Big Shots more time to develop. It has great promise. I know several people who wouldn't miss it.

tube talk girl said...

Wow. I had no idea there were so many passionate Big shots fans out there. As I said, I enjoy the show. I'm a fan of McDermott's work and have been since his Practice years. With Rob Thomas on board, I think the show could evolve to something even better. Let's hope ABC gives it time to do that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being one of the 'few' critics that gave a 'thumbs up' to this laugh-fest show. I enjoy watching it so much, that I now tape 'E.R' and watch this instead. I am hoping and praying with 'everything' in me that ABC 'will not' cancel this show, because it does get better every week.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it's not coming back. I refuse to believe it until I see something official. The show is decent, people. I mean, it's not Lost, but few shows are. It's a fun hour of escapism with some fun man candy.

Anonymous said...

Love the show and each week its been getting better and better since Rob Thomas came on board. I started watching for Vartan, but was pleasently surprised by Dylan, Peyton, Titus & Nia. I hope it comes back because I am interested to see where the writers take the James & Katie relationship and the Duncan/Cam/Lisbeth relationship and family.

Julie said...

I like this show. It was just really starting to catch it's stride. Maybe if they got rid of the Karl storyline I could deal with it.

It doesn't do badly in the demo's either.

Anonymous said...

I for 1 absolutely love Big Shots!! My husband and i can't wait to watch it and think its a great & entertaining show! We would be really disappointed if ABC cancelled it!!!

tube talk girl said...

Yeah, I agree. The Carl storyline is HORRIBLE. HATE IT! But the rest of the show is pretty good. I wish they'd give the one guy who is a slave to his wife somehting more to do, though.

SG39 said...

^ From what I've read, Brody will be getting more to do, very soon! I'd like to see ABC advertise the show for it's return on the 29th.

I also agree with the comments regarding the chemistry between Vartan and Nia Long!

Anonymous said...

I too watched Big Shots for Michael Vartan and I am enjoying the show and I hope that it is renewed! I think the writing is getting better and can only move forward if given the chance.

Anonymous said...

MIchael Vartan is THE one and only reason I started and continue to watch BIG SHOTS. I felt the storylines of the first few episodes were poorly written. HOWEVER it has since improved. It's funny - Michael dressed as the super hero for his son's birthday party; Titus' humorous commemts,his timing and delivery are soooo funny. James' love life keeps me wanting more; the Dylan-Reveal, daughter, ex-wife storyline is interesting, too. Chris Titus' character is very funny and the fact we don't see his wife is a cool aspect of his part.
Give BIG SHOTS the creative writers it needs and advertize it more. I noticed this week there were no ads - what's that about? It's evident that this ensemble has chemistry which makes the show worthy of giving it another SHOT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm the publisher of a new magazine. Klazzy.com the magazine. I send out a newsletter blog once a week. As soon as I told over 20,000 people to watch Big Shots, among other shows on abc.com, you guys pull the show. This is terrible.

Bobby R. Bowden, MBA
CEO, Publisher
Klazzy Magazine, Inc.
The Only National Mag With a FREE Subscription
Subscribe 4 FREE @ www.klazzy.com

Rey De Armas said...

I'm sad to hear that. As many have noted, the story has been picking up. I hope ABC sticks with the show.

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